giovedì 22 ottobre 2020

Settembre dal 21 al 30 Santi di Germania e dei Territori del Nord Europa

30 settembre feste santi e memorie

Saints VICTOR et OURS, survivants de la Légion thébaine, martyrs à Castrum Salodorum, aujourd'hui Soleure (Solothurn) en Alémanie lors de la persécution de Dioclétien (303 ou 304)

29 settembre feste santi e memorie

Saint LUDWIN ou LUIDVIN, archevêque de Trèves (vers 713). 

28 settembre feste santi e memorie

Sainte LIOBE, LIOUBA ou LIEBE, abbesse de Bischofsheim au diocèse de Mayence, thaumaturge (779). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XVI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

St. Lioba was a nun at Wimborne and a friend of St. Boniface, who invited her to Germany. She arrived about 748.  St. Boniface made her abbess of a women's monastery at Sischofsheim, and gave her the duty of supervising all nuns in the missionary church (she was functionally an archabbess). The great woman of the Lord abbess Lioba founded women's monasteries also in Kitzingen and Ochsenfurt. She was much sought after by rulers and princes for her wisdom and ability to train women in living the angelic life. She wrought various miracles; one that is well remembered today is her instantaneous quelling of a storm by her prayers. She was a friend of Hildegard, the wife of Charlemagne, and was beloved of Pippin III. She retired with a group of Anglo-Saxon nuns to a new community near Mainz donated by Charlemagne, and there, on Sept. 28, 782, she passed to the Lord. She was buried next to her mentor St. Boniface, who had been like an uncle to her, but later her relics were elevated and translated twice, and now rest at Petersburg in Fulda.

Holy Mother Lioba, pray to God for us!

Saint VENCESLAS (VACLAV, VIATCHESLAV), petit-fils de sainte Ludmilla, roi des Tchèques, martyr sur ordre de son frère Boleslav le Cruel (935 ou 936). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome IX du Supplément aux Ménées.)

26 settembre feste santi e memorie

Sainte EUGENIE, disciple de sainte Odile, abbesse de Hohenbourg / Mont-Sainte-Odile en Alsace (737).

24 settembre feste santi e memorie

Saints CHUNIALD et GISLAR, compagnons de saint Rupert de Salzbourg dans ses missions en Germanie (VIIème siècle). 

22 settembre feste santi e memorie

Saint FLORENT, natif des Champs décumates (actuelle Bavière), prêtre, disciple de saint Martin de Tours, ermite au Mont-Glonne (plus tard monastère de Saint-Florent- le-Vieux) en Anjou (vers 440).


Saint LENDELIN, Ecossais ou Irlandais de nation, ermite et martyr dans le Brisgau au pays de Bade (VIIème siècle). 

Saint EMMERAN (EMMERAMUS, HAIMHRAMM), natif du Poitou, missionnaire et évêque régionnaire en Germanie, higoumène à Ratisbonne, martyr assassiné par des brigands à Heldendorf ("Village-des- Héros") (vers 690).
In the above icon St. Henry II is crowned. On the right St. Emmeram holds up St. Henry's hand as he were another Moses praying for the people. 
St. Emmeramus or Emmeram was a missionary bishop who travelled across Gaul and Germany. He preached the Orthodox Faith in Bavaria but was murdered by assistants of the king there, upon Sept. 22, in the late 8th c. Holy Father Emmeram, pray to God for us! 

Sainte GUNTHILDE (GUNHILD) de Biberbach ("Ruisseau-des- Bièvres"), vierge, servante de profession, remarquable par sa charité et thaumaturge (Bavière Xème siècle).

21 settembre feste santi e memorie 

Saint GEROU (GERULPHE) de Mérendrée, assassiné par son propre oncle à qui il pardonna en expirant, patron de la ville de Drongen près de Gand en Flandre (vers 746). 

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