martedì 18 agosto 2020

18 Agosto Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint DAIG (DAGEE, DAGAEUS, DAGANUS) MACCAIRILL, disciple de saint Finian, évêque-abbé, fondateur de monastère à Inis Cain Dega (Inniskeen) en Irlande (586).

Troparion of St Daga tone 6
O Daga thou Hierarch beloved by thy flock,/ thou didst raise Saint Cairlon of Cashel to life/ and thy piety enlightened Ireland./ Pray to Christ our God for us all.

St. Ernin or Mernog, of Rathnoi, now Rathnew, County of Wicklow, and of Killdreenagh.

[Sixth and Seventh Centuries.]

Saint EVAN (INAN), ermite dans le comté d'Ayr en Ecosse (IXème siècle). 9th century. Scottish hermit who lived in Ayrshire, where several churches are dedicated to him 

Saint Rónán, August 18

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