St. Gwyddfarch, Hermit of Moel yr Ancr, Wales
Saint CLETHER (CLEDOG, CLODOCK), Gallois de nation, ermite dans le Herefordshire, éponyme du village de Clodock (VIème siècle).
Saint ELERIUS, abbé dans le nord du pays de Galles (VIème siècle)--6th century. A Welsh saint, mentioned in the legends concerning Saint Winefred (f.d. today). He is supposed to have presided over a monastery in northern Wales
Sainte WINIFREDE (WINIFREDA, VUENEFRIDA, VINIFREDA, WINEFRED), probablement Galloise de nation, martyre de la virginité, décapitée par un prince dont elle avait refusé les avances (vers 600).
Troparion of St Winefred
Tone 8
Caradog's anger struck off thy head, O pious Winefred,
but by the prayers of the Wonderworker Beuno thy mutilated form was miraculously made whole and restored to life.
As thou didst dedicate thy life to God's service in thanksgiving for His abundant mercy,
pray that we, never forgetting His mercy towards us, may live only for Him that our souls may be saved.
Old English liturgical books give the following Sequence or pre-Gospel chant for the Liturgy on the feast of St. Winifred:
Virgo Vernans
A virgin flourishing as the rose,
The comely bride of Him Who is the Lamb,
As the precious martyr of Christ,
Hath Winifred richly blossomed.
Sprung from the stock of Britons,
Unshakable in faith, joyful in hope,
Holy in deeds, and pure of mind,
She was free of this world's deceptions.
This virgin was slain by Caradoc,
And immediately the pit of Orcus [hell] swallowed him up.
For that is the place for the wicked,
And there with Satan he is burning.
In demonstrating proof of this happening,
A fountain welleth up at the bidding of God,
In the likeness of crimson reddening,
Where she was deprived of her head.
There many miracles are performed;
The blind see, and the dumb are given speech,
All manner of disease is put to flight,
When those who ask have faith.
O Winifred, our glorious lady,
Calm for us the billows of the sea,
Lest we become the ready prey of the enemy,
O compassionate one, afford us thy protection. Amen.
From the Complete Old Sarum Rite Missal, (c) 1998 St. Hilarion Press
Saint CRISTIOLUS, frère de saint Sulian, fondateur d'églises dans le pays de Galles (VIIème siècle)--7th century. Brother of Saint Sulian (f.d. September 1) and founder of churches in Pembrokeshire and Anglesey
Rumwold was a medieval infant saint in England, said to have lived for three days in 662.
Saint WULGAN, confesseur vénéré à Cantorbéry dans le Kent (VIIIème siècle)
Saint ENGLATIUS (ENGALT, TANGLEN), peut-être évêque à Tarves dans le comté d'Aberdeen en Ecosse (966).-Died 966. The Scottish Saint Englatius, said by some to have been a bishop, lived at Tarves in Aberdeenshire
Saint Muirdeabhair the Wise of Disert Muirdebra, November 3
Saint Coemhan of Anatrim, November 3
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