lunedì 2 dicembre 2019

3 dicembre Santi Patriarchi Metropoliti Vescovi ed Abati

Saint MIROCLES, évêque de Milan en Lombardie (318).

Hieromartyr Theodore the Archbishop of Alexandria

The Hieromartyr Theodore, Bishop of Alexandria, was born in Egypt in the city of Alexandria. This city was famous for its many martyrs and confessors: from the holy Evangelist Mark, Protomartyr of Alexandria (April 25), to St Athanasius the Great (January 18 and May 2), a pillar and confessor of Orthodoxy.

Regrettably, historical records do not give us precise details of St Theodore's life and deeds, but the Church of Christ has preserved the name of the hieromartyr in its diptychs for all time.

A fiery preacher, powerful of word and church activity, Bishop Theodore evoked an angry hatred in the boisterous pagans of Alexandria, who did not like his preaching. During one of his sermons they surrounded and seized the saint. They beat him and jeered at him, but he did not offer resistance. They placed a crown of thorns on his head, and led him through the city.

Then they led him to the seacoast and threw him from a cliff into the sea, but the wind and the waves carried him back to dry land. The astonished pagans brought St Theodore to the prefect of the city, who commanded that he be subjected to harsh tortures. Not a word did the torturers hear from the tortured confessor, except his prayer to the Lord. Then the holy martyr was handed over to Roman soldiers and executed in the manner of the Apostle Paul, he was beheaded with a sword.

Saint JEAN l'Hésychaste, évêque de Colonia (aujourd'hui Sebinkarahisar) en Grande-Arménie, puis disciple de saint Sabbas en Palestine et ermite puis reclus au Rouba en Palestine, mort à 104 ans (558).

Saint ETHERNAN, Ecossais de nation, évêque en Irlande et missionnaire en Ecosse.

Saint JUMAËL, métropolitain de Dol-de-Bretagne (VIIème siècle)

Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.

Saint BIRIN (BIRINUS), Italien de nation, missionnaire en Angleterre et premier évêque de Dorchester dans le comté d'Oxford, surnommé "l'apôtre du Wessex" (vers 650)

Sainte ATTALE (ATTALIA, ATTALA), nièce de sainte Odile, première abbesse de Saint-Etienne à Strasbourg en Basse-Alsace (741?).

Saint SOL (SOLA, SOLUS, SUOLO), Anglais de nation, hiéromoine, ermite aux confins de la Bavière et de la Thuringe, fondateur du monastère de Solnhofen (vers 790 ou 794).

Saint ANTHEME le Grec, évêque itinérant, apôtre en Poitou (VIIIème-IXème siècles).

Saint SABBAS de Storogevsk, fondateur de monastère (Russie 1407). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome XII du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Troparion — Tone 8

You revealed the desert as good growth, O Venerable One. / For from your youth you desired to live a pure life, / Following your spiritual director and his teaching, / You trained your mind on the heavens, / You have shown the wisdom of the instructor to your flock. / Therefore, even as Christ has shown you the torch of the enriching wonders: / Our Father Sava, pray to save our souls.

Kontakion — Tone 2

Burning with desire for the Lord, / You shook off carnal passions. / You were revealed as shining with the never-setting Divine Light. / Rays of wonders poured from your relics upon all the faithful, / O our Venerable Father Sava.

Saint GABRIEL II, patriarche oecuménique de Constantinople pendant une semaine (23-30 avril 1657), puis évêque de Prousse en Bithynie, martyr par la main des Musulmans (1659).

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