lunedì 3 febbraio 2020

4 Fe bbraio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

St. Lomman, of Lough Gill, County of Sligo. [Sixth Century.]

Saint ALDATE, évêque (?) de Gloucester en Angleterre (VIème siècle?).

5th century. Saint Aldate was a Briton who lived in western England and became celebrated for his patriotism. He roused his countrymen to resist the heathen invaders. He was bishop of Gloucester. Many churches have his patronage

Troparion of St. Aldate
Tone 1

Through thy pious upbringing thou didst become a shining beacon of
the Orthodox Faith,
O Hierarch Aldate.
Wherefore, O Saint, intercede for us that not straying from the true Faith,
we may attain eternal salvation.

Kontakion of St. Aldate
Tone 2

As a torch of truth, a tower of strength, a bastion of Faith, O Martyr Hierarch Aldate,
thou art the adornment of Gloucester, the joy of all our nation and most worthy of all praise.

Saint MODAN, higoumène de Dryburgh en Ecosse (début du VIIème siècle

Died 649. An Englishman by birth, Saint Liephard may have been a bishop. He accompanied King Cadwalla on a pilgrimage to Rome. Liephard was killed near Cambrai on his return to England

February 4 is the commemoration of yet another of our many obscure Irish saints, Saint Corc of Druim-Lomain. His name and feast day are first recorded on the earliest of the Irish calendars, the Martyrology of Tallaght, but it is impossible to say when and where he flourished:

St. Corc, of Druim-Lomain.

It is recorded, in the Martyrology of Donegal, that the festival of Corc, of Druim Lomáin, had been celebrated on this day. This name occurs, with that of Cota of Druinn—probably an error for Druim—at this same date, in the Martyrology of Tallagh. The place is not readily identifiable.

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