sabato 8 febbraio 2020

9Febbraio Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles ed Inghilterra

Vangeli di Lindisfarne ( VIII secolo ), capolavoro della miniatura altomedievale.

Vangeli di Lindisfarne ( VIII secolo ), capolavoro della miniatura altomedievale.

Sainte ATTRACTE ou TARAHATE, soeur de saint Coeman, vierge et solitaire consacrée à Dieu par saint Patrick (Irlande, Vème siècle).

Saint TELIAUS (ELIUD, TEIO, DILLON), fondateur du monastère de Llandaff dans le pays de Galles; les Bollandistes le donnent comme évêque (vers 580).

Troparion of St Teilo
Tone 4

As a fountain of the true Faith,
thou didst issue forth the life-giving waters of salvation, O Hierarch Teilo.
Wherefore, we implore thee,
intercede with Christ our God
that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion of St Teilo
Tone 1

O teacher of pure doctrine, joy of monastics
and Dewi Sant's fellow pilgrim to Jerusalem,
where thou wast elevated to the episcopate, most pious Father Teilo,
we keep festival in thy honour, praying for grace to follow in thy footsteps.

Saint CUARAN (CURVINUS, CRONAN), évêque en Irlande puis moine à Iona (vers 700)

Died after 700. Saint Cuaran was another Irish bishop known for his wisdom. He concealed his episcopal status in order to become a simple monk at Iona, where, however, he was recognised by Saint Columba

8th century (?). The Irish Bishop Saint Cronan is called the wise because he systematized Irish canon law. He was a lover of liturgy and modesty. Cronan may be the same person as Bishop Saint Ronan of Lismore

Saint ALTON, Irlandais de nation, ermite près d'Ausbourg en Bavière, puis fondateur du monastère depuis appelé Altomünster (vers 760).

Nella Baviera, in Germania, commemorazione di sant  Altone, abate, che, di origine irlandese, costruì nei boschi di questa regione un monastero, che da lui prese poi il nome.

St. Marianus Scotus, Abbot  Born in Donegal, Ireland; died 1088 

St. Eingan of Llanengan, Hermit

6th century (died c. 590); feast day sometimes shown as April 21. The British (or Scotus) prince Saint Eingan or Eneon Bhrenin, left Cumberland for Wales, where he ended his days as a hermit at Llanengan near Bangor. He is said to have been a son of the chieftain Cunedda, whose family claims no less than 50 saints 

Saint Colman of Clonard, February 9

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