lunedì 25 maggio 2020

26 Maggio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

A Greek, born in Nicopolis, Epirus, Greece; died in Rome, May 24, c.189. Although Eleutherius, son of Habundius, was Greek, he became a deacon in Rome and was elected pope about 174 to succeed Saint Soter. He is known only for his decree that any food fit for humans was suitable for Christians-- probably issued against the rigorism of the Gnostics and the Montanists. He is credited with sending missionaries to Britain.

2nd century. Fugatius and Damian are the missionaries sent by Pope Saint Eleutherius to Britain 

Saint BECAN, ermite à Cork en Irlande (VIème siècle). 

6th century. The Irish Saint Becan lived as a hermit near Cork during the time of Saint Columba (Benedictines).

Troparion of St Becan Tone 4

O holy Becan, kinsman of Saint Colum Cille and partaker of his sanctity,/ from thy monastery at Kill Baggan thou didst glorify Christ our God./ Entreat Him to save our souls.

Saint NERIN, Irlandais de nation, évêque itinérant, fondateur de la paroisse de Plounerin en Bretagne (VIIème siècle)

Saint AUGUSTIN, apôtre des Anglo-Saxons, consacré évêque par saint Virgile d'Arles (cf. 5 mars), premier évêque de Cantorbéry (604). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIV du Supplément aux Ménées à la date du 27 mai.) 

Saint ODUVALD, higoumène de Melrose en Ecosse (698). 

Saint EDMOND le Magnifique, roi d'Angleterre, qui donna sa vie pour défendre un de ses domestiques en lutte avec un criminel qui rentrait d'exil (946).

 Saint Augustin de Cantorbéry reçoit les instructions du Pape saint Grégoire le Grand pour évangéliser les Anglo-Saxons.

Saint Augustin de Cantorbéry reçoit les instructions du Pape saint Grégoire le Grand
pour évangéliser les Anglo-Saxons.

THE 26th DAY

Commemoration of Our Father among the Saints Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury & Enlightener of the English
Composed by Reader Isaac Lambertson

Troparion of the holy hierarch, in Tone IV -

Awed by the grandeur and majesty of the holy Augustine, with reverence let us honour him with hymns of praise; for, filled with the effulgence of grace divine, at the behest of the glorious Gregory h e brought the light of Christ to the English people. Wherefore, he dwelleth now in splendour with all the choirs of the saints and angels of God.

Kontakion of the holy hierarch, in Tone VI -

Like Paul, Christ's chosen vessel, thou didst journey afar, preaching the glad tidings of thy heavenly Master, O Augustine. Wherefore, taking ship in Gaul, thou didst sail to England, O great hierarch, where, in obedience to the Lord, thou didst bring the heathen people to knowledge divine, baptizing them in the name of the Holy Trinity and making them children of the light and grace.

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