Sainte MELANGELL (MONACELLA), vierge et solitaire à Powys dans le pays de Galles, vénérée à Pennant Melangell (vers 590).
Troparion of St Melangell tone 8
Preferring the rigours of monasticism to worldly status and marriage, 0
pious Melangell,/ though wast fifteen years on a rock, emulating the
example of the Syrian Stylites./ Wherefore, 0 Saint, pray to God that He
will give us strength to serve Him as He wills,/ that we may be found
worthy of His great mercy.
Kontakion of St Melangell tone 4
Praise, glory and honour are thy due, 0 righteous Melangell,/ for in
consecrating thy virginity to Christ, thou didst give us a model of
Christian living./ Wherefore we who keep thy festival/ pray for grace to
amend our lives according to thy example,/ glorifying God in every word
and deed.
Preferring the rigours of monasticism to worldly status and marriage, 0
pious Melangell,/ though wast fifteen years on a rock, emulating the
example of the Syrian Stylites./ Wherefore, 0 Saint, pray to God that He
will give us strength to serve Him as He wills,/ that we may be found
worthy of His great mercy.
Kontakion of St Melangell tone 4
Praise, glory and honour are thy due, 0 righteous Melangell,/ for in
consecrating thy virginity to Christ, thou didst give us a model of
Christian living./ Wherefore we who keep thy festival/ pray for grace to
amend our lives according to thy example,/ glorifying God in every word
and deed.
Now let us all our voices raise
in great Melangell's joyful praise,
whose name with saintly glory bright
shines in the starry realms of light.
Filled with a pure, celestial glow,
she loved all creatures here below;
yet counting not on earth to stay
she walked along the heav'nly way.
With fasts her body she subdued,
but filled her soul with prayer's sweet food:
in other worlds she tastes the bliss
for which she left the joys of this.
Now to her shrine with hearts sincere,
her holy relics to revere,
the faithful come o'er land and sea
with psalms, and hymns, and melody.
O Christ, the Father's only Son,
by whose pure will great things are done,
through Saint Melangell's prayers on high,
in mercy hear your people's cry!
To God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Spirit, Three-in-One,
praise, honour, might, and glory be
from age to age, eternally.
Amen. Alleluia!
All of Britain rejoices in you, O Venerable Mother Melangell!
For the grace of God has shone forth in these islands
through the uncovering of your holy relics.
As the hare fled to the protection of your cloak
when chased by the hunting dogs
so also, when we are pursued by the evil one,
who prowls like a lion seeking to devour us,
may we find protection in your prayers.
O Venerable Mother,
whose friendship with God was revealed by the hare,
awaken in our hearts true love for Christ, the Author of Creation,
so that, following your example,
we may show love to all of God’s creatures,
who serve Him better in their way than we do in ours.
Draw us closer to you,
that we come to stand with all the saints who have shone forth in these isles
before the throne of Christ,
Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
lives and reigns, God to the ages of ages. Amen.
Saint Cillin of Tehallan, May 27
Saint Ethern of Donoughmore, May 27
Saint Commaigh of Snamha Luthair, May 27