domenica 3 maggio 2020

Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles Inghilterra

Saint GLUVIAS (GLYWYS), fondateur de monastère en Cornouailles / Cornwall (VIème siècle).

St. Conleth of Kildare, Bishop-

Died c. 519; feast day also on May 10. Conleth, an Irish recluse at Old Connell (County Kildare) on the Liffey, was a metal- worker and very skilled as a copyist and illuminator. Saint Brigid, according to her vita by Cogitosus, came to know him and invited him to make sacred vessels for her convent and asked him to be the spiritual director of her nuns at Kildare.

Saint SCANNAL, Irlandais, disciple de saint Columba d'Iona (vers 563).

Died after 563. The celebrated missionary Saint Scannal was a disciple of Saint Columba (f.d. June 9)

Troparion of St Scannel
Tone 3
Sent by Colum Cille thou didst travel from Iona
and spend thy life preaching Christ in pagan darkness.
As thou hast boldness before Christ in heavenly glory, O Father Scannel,
entreat Him that our souls may be saved.

Saint ELWIN (ETHELWIN), évêque de Lindsey en Angleterre (VIIIème siècle).

8th century. Saint Ethelwin was a monk at Ripon Abbey. He succeeded Saint Cuthbert (f.d. March 20) as a hermit on Farne Island, where he lived for twelve years. After his death, he was buried at Lindisfarne

Saint PHILIPPE de Zell, Anglais de nation, ermite près de Worms en Rhénanie, puis fondateur du monastère de Zell (vers 770).

Died c. 770. The town of Zell, Germany, grew up around Saint Philip's "cell", after which it was named. He was an Anglo-Saxon pilgrim who became a hermit near Worms, was joined there by several disciples, and established a monastery. He was also a good friend of King Pepin

On May 3 we commemorate an Irish holy woman, Sairnait, anglicized as Sourney, who flourished in the County Galway area. Saint Sairnait was related to the family of Saint Colman mac Duagh, and so the account of her below comes from the diocesan history of Killmacduagh by Father Jerome Fahey:

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