sabato 30 novembre 2019

1 Dicembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint GRWST, éponyme de Llanrwat au pays de Galles (VIIème siècle)

Saint BOTOLPHE, évêque de Boston en Angleterre (680)..Memorial
O God, by whose grace the blessed Abbot Botolph,
enkindled with the fire of your love,
became a burning and a shining light in your church;
grant that we may be inflamed
with the same spirit of discipline and love,
and ever walk before you as children of the light,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

St. Grewst of Denbighshire, Wales- 7th century. The Welsh saint whose memory is perpetuated by the place name Llanrwst, Denbighshire 

Ss. Martin and Declan-- 8th century. Saints Martin and Declan contributed to the evangelization of the Germanic peoples by extending the Irish activity begun by Saint Boniface of Crediton

Saint Mac Cainne, December 1

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