mercoledì 20 novembre 2019

21 Novembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra


Saint DIGIAN (DIGAIN), roi en Cornouailles, éponyme de Llangernw dans le comté de Clwyd au pays de Galles (Vème siècle).

Celtic and Old English Saints 21 November


Troparion of St Columban of Bobbio
Tone 8
Rome was shocked by the severity of thy Rule, O Father Columban,
but nothing daunted thou didst not waver in thy condemnation of spiritual and moral laxity.
Standing firmly in the tradition of the fathers of the Thebaid, thou art a tower of strength to us sinners,
wherefore O Saint, do thou entreat Christ our God that He will grant mercy to our souls.

* St. Columban of Luxeuil and Bobbio
 nella tradizione ortodossa  costantinopolitana e slava San Colombano viene festeggiato il 23 Novembre 

consultare  anche 

* St. Columbanus Junior

Died after 616. Saint Columbanus Junior, a disciple of the founder of Luxeuil, Saint Columbanus (f.d. November 21) where he was a monk. He is listed as a martyr, but with no further details

* St. Digain of Cornwall

th century. The memory of Saint Digain, a son of King (or chieftain) Constantine of Cornwall, is perpetuated in Llangernw in Denbigshire

Troparion of St Digain tone 8
O son of Constantine and servant of God, Righteous Digain, thou dost
teach us by thy example that no man is too mighty to humbly serve Christ
and labour for His Holy Church./ Therefore, O holy one, pray to God for
us that He will grant us the grace of humility, the joy of service and
salvation for our souls.


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