Saint AEDH MAC BRICC, évêque-abbé dans le Meath en Irlande (VIème siècle).
Troparion of St Aedh MacBricc
tone 1
Founder of churches, Wonderworker Hierarch and curer of headaches,
thou art rightly praised for thy missionary labours,
O Father Aedh Macbricc.
We celebrate thy memory, O Saint,
praying that we may be given grace to emulate thee,
for the re-establishment of Orthodoxy in these islands
and for the salvation of our souls.
Saint ELAETH, roi ou prince devenu moine et poète dans le pays de Galles (VIème
Troparion of St Eleath tone 8
Thou didst exchange armed combat with the heathen for the spiritual
warfare of the monastic life, O Father Eleath./ Look on those who now
hymn thee, O thou who didst praise God with thy poetic talents He gave
thee,/ and intercede with Christ our God that our souls may be saved.
Saint JUST (JUSTUS), Italien de nation, évêque de Rochester, puis de Cantorbéry dans le Kent (627).
Celtic and Old English Saints 10 November
* St. Aedh MacBricc of Meath
* St. Aedh MacBricc of Meath
* St. Elaeth of Anglesey---Died 6th century. A Briton from the North driven into Wales by the Picts, Elaeth became a monk under Saint Seiriol (f.d. January 2) in Anglesey. Some poems of his are still extant (
* St. Just of Canterbury
St. John the Irish of Mecklemburg
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