Saint CYBI (CUBY), abbé fondateur de Caer Gybi sur l'île d'Anglesey dans le pays de Galles (VIème siècle).
Troparion of St Cuby tone 1
By thy journeyings, O Hierarch Cuby,/ thou dost teach us the virtue of
making pilgrimages./ Wherefore, O Prince of Ascetics and all-praised
Wonderworker,/ we entreat thee to intercede for us/ that Christ our God
will not find our lives to be utterly worthless and will show us great
Saint TYSILIO (TYSSEL, TYSSILIO, SULIAU), prince devenu abbé de Meifod dans le comté de Powys au pays de Galles; il serait mort à Saint-Suliac en Bretagne (vers 640).
Troparion of St Tysilio tone 8
Princely dignity was set at nought by thee, O Father Tysilio,/ for thou
didst put aside the glory of this world preferring to serve God in
monastic poverty./ Wherefore we pray thee, intercede for us, that with
courage we may renounce mammon/ and live only in Christ for the
salvation of men's souls.
Saint WILLEHALD, natif de Northumbrie, apôtre en Frise et en Saxe, premier évêque de Brême (vers 789 ou 790).
Saint MOROC, abbé de Dunkeld, puis évêque de Dunblane en Ecosse (IXème siècle).
Saint GERVADIUS (GERNARD, GARNET), Irlandais de nation, ermite près d'Elgin en Ecosse (Xème siècle).
Celtic and Old English Saints 8 November
* St. Cybi of Caenarvon
* St. Moroc of Scotland
Celtic and Old English Saints 8 November
* St. Cybi of Caenarvon
* St. Gervat of Kinnedor--Died c. 934. The Irish Gervadius crossed over to Moray and afterwards became a recluse at Holyman Head near Elgin. His cave, which is mentioned in Elgin charters, survived until the 19th century. The life of Saint Gervadius includes some exchange with the English soldiers sent be King Athelstan in 934, besides the providential arrival of wood for his church by a flooding river
* St. Moroc of Scotland
9th century. Abbot Moroc of Dunkeld, later became the bishop of Dunblane. He appears to have left his name to several churches, and was venerated with a solemn office in the old Scottish rite
* St. Tysilio of Wales
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