mercoledì 13 novembre 2019

14 novembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint DUBRICIUS (DUBRIC, DYFRIG), un des fondateurs de la vie monastique dans le pays de Galles (vers 545)

Troparion of St Dyfrig tone 1

Thou art worthily honoured as the Father of Welsh Monasticism. O
Hierarch Dyfrig,/ labouring to establish true asceticism with thy
brother in the Faith, Samson of Dol/ whom thou didst raise to the
dignity of the episcopate./ In thy pastoral love, O Saint,/ pray for us
that despite our unspiritual lives/ Christ our God will grant us great

Saint SIDOINE (SAËNS), Irlandais ou Ecossais de nation, fondateur du monastère de Saint-Saëns en Normandie (entre 685 et 695).

Saint MODANIC, évêque en Ecosse (VIIIème siècle).

Celtic and Old English Saints 14 November

* St. Dyfrig of Caerleon

* St. Modan of Scotland---Dates unknown, possibly 8th century. The feast of the Scottish bishop Modanic was kept at Aberdeen and Philorth (Fraserburgh), but of whom we have no reliable particulars. His silver head-relic at Philorth was previously carried in procession to invoke rain or otherwise improve the weather. He is principally associated with the foundation at Timhood

* St. Saens of Saint-Saens

Died c. 690. Saint Sidonius, an Irishman, became a monk at Jumieges (an offshoot of the Irish foundation of Luxeuil) under Saint Philibert (f.d. August 20) in 644. Later Sidonius was appointed by Saint Ouen (f.d. August 24), one of the three brothers Saint Columbanus (f.d. November 21) blessed in their childhood, to be the first abbot of a small monastery which that bishop had founded near Rouen: this monastery was later called Saint-Saens

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