martedì 30 giugno 2020

30 Giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

“ The lower cover of Lindau Gospel, 9th century.
The lower cover of Lindau Gospel, 9th century.

Sainte EURGAIN, fondatrice de Cor-Eurgain, aujourd'hui Llantwit (Pays de Galles, VIème siècle).



ERENTRUDE (ERENTRUDIS), a sister, or possibly niece, of St. Rupert of Salzburg (27th March), Apostle of Austria. St. Erentrude was the first Abbess of Nonnberg in Salzburg (Austria), which was founded for her by St. Rupert. St. Ermentrude reposed circa 718.

St. Sproc or Sporoc, Daughter of Colum.

St. Failbe of Cill-eo, County of Longford.

lunedì 29 giugno 2020

29 Giugno-in altri codici 30 giugno- HEMMA (EMMA, GEMMA) of GURK,

HEMMA (EMMA, GEMMA) of GURK, a member of the Luitpolding family, Countess of Zeltschach, and a lady-in-waiting to St. Cunegund (3rd March). Following the repose of her husband (†c. 1015), St. Hemma devoted her life and fortune to charity, founding several monastic communities including Gurk Abbey in Carinthia present-day Austria. St. Hemma spent her final years at Gurk, but the record is unclear as to whether she received monastic tonsure. St. Hemma reposed in 1045.

Pre-Schism Orthodox Western Saints
12th July (NS) — 29th June (OS)
by Dr. John (Ellsworth) Hutchison-Hall | Orthodox Western Saints

Santa, sì, ma piuttosto latitante. Emma di Gurk è un personaggio da inseguire attraverso la storia come un ricercato, contando sulle poche tracce sicure e schivando le volonterose invenzioni successive. Dunque: anno di nascita e luogo sconosciuti. Noi incontriamo Emma quando è già moglie del conte di Sann, appartenente alla più ricca nobiltà del ducato di Carantania, che comprende le attuali regioni austriache di Carinzia e Stiria, e la Carnìola (in Slovenia).Di questo marito, sappiamo che muore nel 1016. Dei figli, ne conosciamo uno solo: Guglielmo, ucciso nel 1036. Alla sua morte, Emma rimane sola, con l’imponente patrimonio di una famiglia che non c’è più. Allora se ne serve per il soccorso ai poveri e per fondare i monasteri di Gurk, femminile, e più tardi quello maschile di Admont. Lei si ritira a vivere come monaca a Gurk, secondo un’attestazione che risale al 1200.Ma non sappiamo se ne diventa badessa – come altre fondatrici – o se rimane semplice religiosa: entra in una sorta di clandestinità che non possiamo certo perlustrare con la fantasia. 

Ma c’è chi invece alla fantasia e ai sentito dire ricorre volentieri, per compilare testi devoti, ricchi di buone intenzioni ma sprovvisti di prove: così fa ad esempio un certo canonico Arnoldo (inizio del XIII secolo), secondo il quale Emma sarebbe morta nel 1045. In realtà si può dire solamente che è morta prima dell’anno 1070, giacché è ben certo che in quell’anno è stata sepolta nella chiesa di Gurk, da poco costruita.

Oltre cento anni dopo (1174), sempre in questa chiesa, si trasferisce il corpo in una tomba per esso ricavata nella profondità della cripta, in mezzo a una selva imponente di colonne romaniche. È noto che in quest’epoca l’iniziativa dei fedeli anticipa spesso quella del clero nel promuovere e divulgare la “fama di santità” di persone morte da poco, e nell’invocare la loro protezione. Così può essere accaduto per Emma, in modo tale da spingere vescovi e monasteri a prendere iniziative ufficiali. Infatti il 12 novembre 1287, a più di due secoli dalla morte, Emma viene ufficialmente beatificata dalla Chiesa -Cattolica-. E la tradizione perdura nel tempo, sicché nel 1464 si avvia un regolare processo per la canonizzazione di Emma, destinato però a restare inconcluso per secoli. Intanto a Gurk, la si venera anche con l’arte. 

Nel XVIII secolo, lo scultore italiano Antonio Corradini, di Este, che lavora molto anche a Vienna e a Venezia, adorna la tomba di lei con una grande decorazione marmorea, che raffigura il momento della sua morte. Infine, nel 1938, al tempo di Pio XI, il processo canonico viene chiuso con l’approvazione del culto già tributato a Emma, come santa, fin dal tempo ormai remoto della sua morte, specialmente in Carinzia e in Slovenia.

Autore: Domenico Agasso

Heilige Hemma von Gurk - gestorben vor beinahe 1000 Jahren, heute noch lebendig?

Santa Emma, affresco in una chiesa a Nova Cerkev (Slovenia

S. Emma di Gurk o St. Hemma di Gurk Wood Icon & Holy Card GIFT image 0

29 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Sainte COCHA (COECHA), abbesse de Ross-Benchuir en Irlande (VIème siècle). 

6th century. Saint Cocha is said to have raised Saint Ciaran of Saighir (f.d. March 5) and later to have become abbess of Ross-Benchuir

St. Elwin of Lindsey, Bishop

Died 692. This Saint Elwin may be the same person as Saint Ethelwin of Lindsey (f.d. May 3), although the date given for the latter is 8th century. Farmer states that today's Elwin studied in Ireland. He was consecrated bishop of Lindsey in 680 by Saint Theodore the Greek of Canterbury (f.d. September 19) at the request of King Ethelred of Mercia. The venerable Saint Bede (f.d. May 26) calls him a 'vir sanctus,' Elwin does not appear to have had an early cultus

Ss. Salome and Judith, Virgins

St. Conuan, Bishop, of Tigh Collain, or Tigh Connain, in Cremhthanna, now Stackallan, County of Meath.

St. Maeldoid, Son of Derbhdara.

domenica 28 giugno 2020

Santi di Germania e dei territori Nord Europa

12  Giugno

Saint CHRODOBALD, disciple de saint Amand, moine à Marchiennes puis prévot de l'abbaye d'Elnone en Belgique (VIIème siècle). 

Saint ODULPHE, chanoine de la cathédrale d'Utrecht, évangélisateur des Frisons (855 ou 865).

15  Giugno

Bienheureux JERÔME, originaire de Stridon en Istrie, traducteur de l'Ancien Testament en latin et fodnateur d'un monastère à Bethléem en Palestine, confesseur de la foi orthodoxe face au pélagianisme (420). (Office traduit en français par le père Denis Guillaume au tome VI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Saint LANDELIN, brigand et cambrioleur repenti devenu moine puis prêtre, fondateur de l'abbaye de Lobbes dans le Hainaut belge (686). On l'invoque contre les verrues et les villages de Landelies et Lodelinsart rappelleraient sa mémoire.


Saints AUREE, évêque de Mayence en Rhénanie, JUSTINE, sa soeur, et leurs compagnons, martyrs par la main des Huns lors de l'invasion d'Attila (451). 


Sainte ALINE (ALENE, HALENE), baptisée à l'insu de ses parents païens et martyre par la main de sbires de son père sur le chemin de l'église à Forest près de Bruxelles (vers 640)

Saint HILDEGRIN, évêque de Chalons-en-Champagne, puis missionnaire auprès des Saxons, et évêque d'Heiligenstadt puis d'Halberstadt (827).


Sainte HELENE (HELIADE), abbesse du couvent d'Oehren à Trèves en Rhénanie (vers 750). 


Saint ALBAN ou AUBAIN, Grec de Naxos, martyr à Mayence par la main des Ariens, et patron principal de la ville de Namur (vers 400).

Saint ENGELMOND ou ENGLEMOND, Anglais de nation, higoumène à Velzen près de Haarlem en Hollande (vers 739)


Saint DOMITIEN, disciple de saint Landelin, abbé dans le Hainaut, peut-être à Lobbes (VIIème siècle).


Mémoire de la fondation de l'abbaye de Payerne au pays de Vaud par saint Maire, évêque de Lausanne, sous le règne de saint Gontran, roi de Bourgogne (587).

Saint THEODULPHE (THIOU), cinquième higoumène de Lobbes en Hainaut belge (776)

Saint IVAN, ermite en Bohême (910). 


Saint ADALBERT, Anglais de nation, abbé d'Echternach au Luxembourg, disciple de saint Willibrord et apôtre en Frise (vers 740).


Saint BABOLENE (PAPOLIN, PAPOLEN), higoumène de Stavelot dans les Ardennes belges (670). 

Saint CORBICAN, Irlandais de nation, ermite aux Pays-Bas (VIIIème siècle).

Saints SAUVE (SALVE, SAULVE, SALVIUS), originaire d'Auvergne et évêque d'Angoulême, et SUPER (SUPERY), assassinés par des brigands et considérés martyrs à Beuvrage près de Valenciennes en Hainaut (vers 768). 


Saint ADELIN, disciple de saint Landelin, higoumène du monastère de Crépin en Belgique (vers 700). 


Saint BENIGNE, évêque d'Utrecht aux Pays-Bas (VIIème siècle). 

BENIGNUS of UTRECHT, a sixth century French Bishop, in all likelihood, of Chartres (north-central France). He seems to have resigned his See and retired to Utrecht (central Netherlands) where his relics were re-discovered in 996.

EGILO (EGILON, EIGIL), an Abbot of Prüm in Lotharingia, present-day Diocese of Trier in Germany. St. Egilo served as Abbot of, and undertook the restoration of the Abbey of St. Peter of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain (abbaye Saint-Pierre de Flavigny-sur-Ozerain) (circa 860–866) in present-day east-central France. Lastly, St. Egilo founded (or restored) an abbey at Corbigny in Burgundy (France). St. Egilo reposed in 871.

HEIMRAD, a priest who spent several years on pilgrimages. His detatchment from the world lead to behaviour that might be thought of as that of a Fool for Christ. St. Heimrad lived for a while as a monk at Hersfeld Abbey (abtei Hersfeld) in Hesse (Germany), and spent his final days as a hermit at Hasungen Abbey (Kloster Hasungen) in present-day Burghasungen near Kassel, Germany. St. Heimrad reposed in 1019.


Saintes SALOME et JUDITH, peut-être Anglaises de nation, solitaires à Oberaltaich en Allemagne (vers 880). 

HEMMA (EMMA, GEMMA) of GURK, a member of the Luitpolding family, Countess of Zeltschach, and a lady-in-waiting to St. Cunegund (3rd March). Following the repose of her husband (†c. 1015), St. Hemma devoted her life and fortune to charity, founding several monastic communities including Gurk Abbey in Carinthia present-day Austria. St. Hemma spent her final years at Gurk, but the record is unclear as to whether she received monastic tonsure. St. Hemma reposed in 1045.

SALOME and JUDITH of NIEDERALTAICH, (Ninth Century), from the limited and questionable information that is still extant, St. Salome is said to have been an exiled English princess who settled in Bavaria (southern Germany), where she was befriended by St. Judith, and they lived out the rest of their lives as anchoresses. Another tradition is that St. Salome was the aunt of St. Judith.


Saints ASCLIN (ASCLEPE) et PAMPHILE, martyrs à Cologne en Rhénanie.

Sainte ADELE (ADILIE), abbesse d'Orp-le-Grand dans le Brabant wallon (vers 700).

Sainte CLOTSINDE (GLOSSENDE, CLOTSENDE, CLOTSINDIS), soeur de saintes Adelsinde et Ysoie, abbesse à Marchiennes en Hainaut (vers 703 ou 714).

CLOTSINDIS (CLOTSEND) of MARCHIENNES, a daughter of SS. Adalbald of Ostrevant (2nd February) and Richrudis of Marchiennes (12th May), St. Clotsindis received monastic tonsure at the abbey founded by her mother and later known as the Abbey of St. Rictrude and St. Peter of Marchiennes (abbaye Sainte-Rictrude et Saint-Pierre de Marchiennes) on the Scarpe River in present-day Hauts-de-France. Following the repose of St. Rictrudis in 688, St. Clotsindis became Abbess. St. Clotsindis reposed in 714.

ERENTRUDE (ERENTRUDIS), a sister, or possibly niece, of St. Rupert of Salzburg (27th March), Apostle of Austria. St. Erentrude was the first Abbess of Nonnberg in Salzburg (Austria), which was founded for her by St. Rupert. St. Ermentrude reposed circa 718.


28 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Cornish cross erected for drowned seamen in Morwenstow churchyard, Cornwall by saffron100_uk on Flickr

Saint CRUMMINE, disciple de saint Patrick à Leccuine (Lackan) en Irlande (après 430). 

5th century. Saint Crummine was a disciple of Saint Patrick (f.d.March 17), who put him in charge of the church of Leccuine (Lackan) in County Wearmeath 

St. Crummine was a disciple of St. Patrick of Ireland (17th March), who placed him in charge of a church at Lackan, Co. Westmeath, Ireland. Nothing further is known of his life.

Saint AUSTELL, ascète en Cornouailles (VIème siècle). 

Troparion of St Austol tone 7
Light of Cornwall and pillar of the Faith,/ holy Austol, disciple of Samson:/ thou wast a fellow-labourer with Saint Mewan,/ in such companionship that thou didst die with him and share his grave./ Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

AUSTELL of CORNWALL, (Sixth Century), there is no written Life of this saint extant, though there are two traditions concerning the identity of St. Austell. The first, and more commonly accepted, is that he was a disciple of St. Maine of Bretagne (21st June) during the latter’s time in Cornwall, and later lived as a hermit in the area now known as St. Austell in Cornwall, England. The other, more recent tradition, posits that St. Austell was a woman (Hawystill), one of the daughters of King St. Brychan of Brycheiniog (6th April), who left her name to Aust in South Gloucestershire, England.

St. Egilo of Pruem, Abbot

Died 871. Saint Egilo was a monk of Croyland Abbey, who was martyred with his abbot and many of his community by the invading Danes

EGILO (EGILON, EIGIL), an Abbot of Prüm in Lotharingia, present-day Diocese of Trier in Germany. St. Egilo served as Abbot of, and undertook the restoration of the Abbey of St. Peter of Flavigny-sur-Ozerain (abbaye Saint-Pierre de Flavigny-sur-Ozerain) (circa 860–866) in present-day east-central France. Lastly, St. Egilo founded (or restored) an abbey at Corbigny in Burgundy (France). St. Egilo reposed in 871.

St. Bigesg, Bicsecha, or Bigsech, Virgin, of Kilbixy, County of Westmeath.

Saint Ernin of Cloonfinn, June 28

Blessed Malchus of Mellifont, June 28

sabato 27 giugno 2020

27 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

The Canterbury Trussel Bible, aka "Lyghfield Bible" with prologues of Jerome and Interpretation of Hebrew Names, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on fine parchment [southern England, or perhaps northern France, third quarter of the thirteenth century]
The Canterbury Trussel Bible, aka "Lyghfield Bible" with prologues of Jerome and Interpretation of Hebrew Names, in Latin, illuminated manuscript on fine parchment [southern England, or perhaps northern France, third quarter of the thirteenth century]

St. John of Chinon, Hermit

Born in Brittany; 6th century. Saint Gregory of Tours tells us that Saint John became a hermit at Chinon (or Caion) in Touraine, there he confined himself to a little cell and oratory near the church. He attempted to withdrew from superfluous commerce with others, preferring to tend his orchard, including some laurels under which he would sit to read or write. He was the spiritual adviser of Queen Saint Radegund. He was interred at his cell after his death. Many pilgrims were restored to health at his intercession

At Glastonbury, the Translation of the Relics of St. Benen, Archbishop of Armagh, Saint Patrick's chanter

Saint Senic, June 27


St. Aedha or Aedh.

venerdì 26 giugno 2020

26 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint CORBICAN, Irlandais de nation, ermite aux Pays-Bas (VIIIème siècle)

8th century. Corbican was an Irish recluse in the Low Countries who spent part of his day helping and instructing the peasants

St. Brannock, Abbot of Braunton-  6th century

Troparion of St Brannock of Braunton tone 1

Righteous tutor of the children of Brychan and great wonderworker, O Father Brannock,/ thou didst win many souls for Christ by thy tireless endeavours./ As Braunton's church may yet hold thy precious relics,/ Pray that we, being ever mindful of our Orthodox heritage,/ may never deviate from the true Faith/ and, thereby, receive the reward of the blest.

St. Babolenus of Fosses, Abbot

Died c. 677. Babolenus migrated to France, where he became a monk at Luxeuil under Saint Columbanus. Later he was appointed the first abbot of Saint Peter's near Paris, which was renamed Saint-Maur-des-Fosses when the relics of Saint Maurus where brought there from Anjou. He was helped by Saint Fursey in the erection of many churches and hospitals in the diocese of Paris. Together they served the whole diocese under Bishops Audebert and Saint Landry

St. Colman, Son to Roi of the Refectory, and over Lambay Island Church, County Dublin

Saint Duthac, June 26

"The Church in The British Isles will only begin to grow when she begins to venerate her own Saints"     (Saint Arsenios of Paros †1877)

giovedì 25 giugno 2020

25 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint MAXIME, évêque celte itinérant, martyr à Besançon en Franche-Comté (Vème siècle).

St. Solomon of Brittany, Martyr-Born in Cornwall; died 434. King Solomon of Brittany was the husband of Saint Gwen and father of Saints Cuby and Cadfan. He was murdered by heathen malcontents among his subjects

Saint SELYF (SELYR, LEVAN), ermite à Saint Levan dans les Cornouailles (VIème siècle).

Saint MOLOC (MOLLUOG, MURLACH, LUGAIDH), Ecossais de nation, missionnaire en Ecosse après un séjour en Irlande, illuminateur des Hébrides (vers 572).

Saint MOLONACHUS, disciple de saint Brendan, évêque de Lismore en Ecosse (VIIème siècle).-7th century. Molonachus, a disciple of Saint Brendan, became bishop of Lismore in Argyle

St. Milburga, Abbess of Much Wenlock, England
(Milburgh)-This is the feast of the translation of her relics

Saint ADALBERT, Anglais de nation, abbé d'Echternach au Luxembourg, disciple de saint Willibrord et apôtre en Frise (vers 740  

Born in Northumberland, England; died c. 740. Saint Adalbert, a prince by birth, became a monk at Rathmelgisi and accompanied Saint Willibrord as one of his deacons to Friesland. He laboured especially around Egmont, of which Benedictine abbey he is the patron (Benedictines). Adalbert is venerated in Friesland. Depicted as a deacon with a crown and sceptre at his feet; sometimes in dalmatic, crowned, and holding the sceptre 

St. Solomon III, Martyr-Died 874. Several centuries after the death of Solomon I of Brittany, this saint was born to be king of Brittany during a brutal time. He was a warrior against the Franks, Norsemen, and his own rebellious subjects, which has made him a hero among the Bretons. During his early years he committed many crimes, but later did penance for them. When he was assassinated, his people immediately acclaimed him a martyr

St. Kenneburga, Virgin and Martyr of Gloucester, England

Saint Soadbair, June 26--

Saint Colman of Lambay Island, June 26

Saint Duthac, June 26

giovedì 11 giugno 2020

11 giugno Santi Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Sainte TOCHUMRA, vierge à Kildare en Irlande; les femmes l'invoquent pendant les douleurs de l'accouchement.

Date unknown. Tochumra is a virgin venerated in the diocese of Kilmore, Ireland, and is invoked by women in labour

 St. Tochumra of Tuam, Virgin---Date unknown. This Tochumra was titular saint of Tochumracht parish in the diocese of Killfenora


Saint BLIER (BLITHAIRE, BLITAIRE, BLITARIUS), Ecossais de nation, ermite à Verdey en Brie (VIIème siècle).-
Born in Scotland and died in France in the 7th century. Saint Blitharius migrated to France with Saint Fursey, and settled at Seganne in Champagne, where he is still held in great veneration

Born in Britain 8th century. Herebald embraced the solitary life in Brittany, where a church is dedicated to him

St. Reghuil, Abbot of Bangor, County of Down.
[Ninth Century.]

mercoledì 10 giugno 2020

Santi di Germania e dei territori Nord Europa

1 Giugno

Saint SIMEON de Trèves, Siculo-Grec de nation, natif de Syracuse et élevé à Constantinople, ermite en Palestine, moine à Béthléem, ermite au Sinaï puis à Trèves en Rhénanie; il fut l'une des dernières saintes figures faisant la liaison entre l'Occident et l'Orient orthodoxes (1035)

4 giugno

Saint QUIRIN (QUIRINIUS), évêque de Siscia (Sisak, Sissek, ou Seseg) en Illyrie (aujourd'hui en Croatie), martyr à Sabaria en Pannonie (aujourd'hui Szombathely en Hongrie) sous Galère (308). 

5 giugno


Saint BONIFACE, Anglais de nation, originaire de Crediton dans le Devon, archevêque de Mayence (Mainz) en Rhénanie, illuminateur de la Germanie, martyr par la main des païens à Dokkum en Frise (754). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIV du Supplément aux Ménées.

Saints ADELARIUS, évêque, EOBAN, évêque, WITRUMGIUS, WALTHER, ADHALERO, STRICALDUS, HAMUNTIUS, BOSO, WACCARUS, GUNTHER, WILLIHER, HILDEBRAND, ADOLPHE et TRENTE-NEUF autres moines, compagnons de saint Boniface et martyrs avec lui à Dokkum en Frise (754). 

Saint FELIX de Fritzlar, moine, probablement par la main des Saxons encore païens (790). 

6 giugno

Saint CLAUDE II, moine puis abbé du monastère de Saint-Oyend à Condate (aujourd'hui Saint-Claude dans le département français du Jura), puis archevêque de Besançon et de nouveau higoumène; thaumaturge; patron de la nation bourguignonne et de la Franche-Comté; son nom a aussi été donné à un village du Manitoba au Canada (693, 696 ou 699). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIV du Supplément aux Ménées.)

7 giugno

Saint VALENTIN, évêque de Tongres en Toxandrie (Limbourg belge) (IVème siècle). (Office commun à saints Valentin de Tongres et Candide de Maëstricht composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome VI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

Saint GWEN, Irlandais de nation, missionnaire au diocèse de Tongres en Toxandrie (actuel Limbourg belge) (Vème siècle).

Saint CANDIDE (CANDRE, CANDE), évêque régionnaire dans la région de Maëstricht en Limbourg néerlandais, mais non évêque du siège de Maëstricht qui n'existait pas encore (Vème siècle). (Office commun à saints Valentin de Tongres et Candide de Maëstricht composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome VI du Supplément aux Ménées.)

10 giugno

Sainte BLANDE, moniale au diocèse de Tournai dans le Hainaut belge(VIème siècle).

10 giugno Santi Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Ref: 25-19

Whitby Abbey 

Saint ILLADAN (ILLATHAN, IOLLADHAN), évêque de Rathlihen en Irlande (VIème siècle).--6th century. Bishop of Rathliphthen (now Rathlihen) in Offaly, Ireland 

Saint EMAR (ITHAMAR), premier évêque de sang anglais, évêque de Rochester en Angleterre (vers 656).

St. Sanctan, or Santan, Bishop.

St. Ainmire, or Ainmirech, of Aileach, County of Donegal.

martedì 9 giugno 2020

9 giugno Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles Inghilterra

Saint COLOMBA (COLUMKILL, COLUM CILLE, COLOMKILLE, COLOMBEAU, COLME, COLOMBUS), Irlandais de nation, apôtre de l'Ecosse et fondateur du monastère d'Iona (597). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIV du Supplément aux Ménées.) 

Troparion of St Colum Cille
Tone 5

By Thy God-inspired life thou didst embody/ both the mission end the dispersion of the Church,/ most glorious Father Colum Cille./ Using thy repentence and voluntary exile,/ Christ our God raised thee up as a beacon of the True Faith,/ an Apostle to the heathen and an indicator of the Way of salvation./ Wherefore O holy one, cease not to intercede for us that our souls may be saved.

Prayer of Saint Columba:

Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Eternal ever blessed God.
To me unworthy servant, to me allow
That I may keep a door in heaven.
The smallest door, the one that is least used.
But in your house, O Lord,
that I may see your glory, even from afar,
And hear your voice, O God, and know
That I am with You - You, O God.

Saint BAITHIN (COMIN, COMINUS), cousin de saint Columba et son successeur comme higoumène d'Iona (vers 601). 

Died c. 598. Saint Baithin, first cousin of Saint Columba, succeeded Columba as abbot of Iona. He is said to have died on the anniversary of his cousin's deat

Saint CUMIEN (CUMMIAN, CUMIAN, CUMMIN), Irlandais de nation (?) , évêque en Ecosse, mort au monastère de Bobbio en Lombardie (première moitié du VIIIème siècle). 

Died early 8th century. Saint Cumian was an Irish bishop who in his wanderings through Italy visited and remained in Bobbio as a monk. By this time Bobbio was already a Benedictine abbey; Cumian himself was an ardent advocate of the Roman observances