martedì 2 giugno 2020

2 giugno Santi Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Ancient Rome-Romans thought the early Christians were practicing cannibalism when they heard about eating bread and drinking wine to represent Christ's body.

Saint BODFAN (BOBOUAN), moine gallois, patron d'Abern dans le Gwynedd (VIIème siècle)

Saint ALGISE (ALGIS, ADALGIS), Irlandais de nation, disciple de saint Fursy, moine missionnaire en Thiérache et fondateur de paroisses au diocèse de Laon en Picardie (670). Le village de Saint-Algis porte son nom. 

St. Oda the Good, Archbishop of Canterbury

Saint Colman Finn of Killclief, June 2

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