lunedì 8 giugno 2020

8 giugno Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles Inghilterra

Sainte SYRE, paysanne et vierge à Troyes en Champagne, gardienne du tombeau de saint Savinien qui l'avait guérie de sa cécité (Vème siècle). 

Saint LEVAN (Cornouailles, VIème siècle). 

Saint BRON, évêque de Cassel-Irra en Irlande (vers 511

Died c. 511. Bishop Bron of Cassel-Irra (near Sligo) was a disciple of Saint Patrick

Saint MUIRCHU (MACCUTINUS), hagiographe des saints Patrick et Brigitte (Irlande, VIIème siècle).

7th century. The Irish Saint Muirchu wrote a vita of Saint Brigid and another of Saint Patrick St Patrick's Life is included in the Book of Armagh and Muirchu Maccu Machteni wrote it at the request of Aed, Bishop of Sletty.

Although St. Muirchu has only a brief note in today's Lives he has a very important place in Irish hagiography because of his writings

St. Luathrenna, or Luaithrenn, Virgin, of Kill Luathrenn, or Killurin, County of Sligo.

St. Airmedach, or Ermedhach, Abbot of Cong, County of Mayo.

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