martedì 9 giugno 2020

9 giugno Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles Inghilterra

Saint COLOMBA (COLUMKILL, COLUM CILLE, COLOMKILLE, COLOMBEAU, COLME, COLOMBUS), Irlandais de nation, apôtre de l'Ecosse et fondateur du monastère d'Iona (597). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XIV du Supplément aux Ménées.) 

Troparion of St Colum Cille
Tone 5

By Thy God-inspired life thou didst embody/ both the mission end the dispersion of the Church,/ most glorious Father Colum Cille./ Using thy repentence and voluntary exile,/ Christ our God raised thee up as a beacon of the True Faith,/ an Apostle to the heathen and an indicator of the Way of salvation./ Wherefore O holy one, cease not to intercede for us that our souls may be saved.

Prayer of Saint Columba:

Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Eternal ever blessed God.
To me unworthy servant, to me allow
That I may keep a door in heaven.
The smallest door, the one that is least used.
But in your house, O Lord,
that I may see your glory, even from afar,
And hear your voice, O God, and know
That I am with You - You, O God.

Saint BAITHIN (COMIN, COMINUS), cousin de saint Columba et son successeur comme higoumène d'Iona (vers 601). 

Died c. 598. Saint Baithin, first cousin of Saint Columba, succeeded Columba as abbot of Iona. He is said to have died on the anniversary of his cousin's deat

Saint CUMIEN (CUMMIAN, CUMIAN, CUMMIN), Irlandais de nation (?) , évêque en Ecosse, mort au monastère de Bobbio en Lombardie (première moitié du VIIIème siècle). 

Died early 8th century. Saint Cumian was an Irish bishop who in his wanderings through Italy visited and remained in Bobbio as a monk. By this time Bobbio was already a Benedictine abbey; Cumian himself was an ardent advocate of the Roman observances 

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