lunedì 29 giugno 2020

29 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Sainte COCHA (COECHA), abbesse de Ross-Benchuir en Irlande (VIème siècle). 

6th century. Saint Cocha is said to have raised Saint Ciaran of Saighir (f.d. March 5) and later to have become abbess of Ross-Benchuir

St. Elwin of Lindsey, Bishop

Died 692. This Saint Elwin may be the same person as Saint Ethelwin of Lindsey (f.d. May 3), although the date given for the latter is 8th century. Farmer states that today's Elwin studied in Ireland. He was consecrated bishop of Lindsey in 680 by Saint Theodore the Greek of Canterbury (f.d. September 19) at the request of King Ethelred of Mercia. The venerable Saint Bede (f.d. May 26) calls him a 'vir sanctus,' Elwin does not appear to have had an early cultus

Ss. Salome and Judith, Virgins

St. Conuan, Bishop, of Tigh Collain, or Tigh Connain, in Cremhthanna, now Stackallan, County of Meath.

St. Maeldoid, Son of Derbhdara.

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