venerdì 26 giugno 2020

26 giugno Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint CORBICAN, Irlandais de nation, ermite aux Pays-Bas (VIIIème siècle)

8th century. Corbican was an Irish recluse in the Low Countries who spent part of his day helping and instructing the peasants

St. Brannock, Abbot of Braunton-  6th century

Troparion of St Brannock of Braunton tone 1

Righteous tutor of the children of Brychan and great wonderworker, O Father Brannock,/ thou didst win many souls for Christ by thy tireless endeavours./ As Braunton's church may yet hold thy precious relics,/ Pray that we, being ever mindful of our Orthodox heritage,/ may never deviate from the true Faith/ and, thereby, receive the reward of the blest.

St. Babolenus of Fosses, Abbot

Died c. 677. Babolenus migrated to France, where he became a monk at Luxeuil under Saint Columbanus. Later he was appointed the first abbot of Saint Peter's near Paris, which was renamed Saint-Maur-des-Fosses when the relics of Saint Maurus where brought there from Anjou. He was helped by Saint Fursey in the erection of many churches and hospitals in the diocese of Paris. Together they served the whole diocese under Bishops Audebert and Saint Landry

St. Colman, Son to Roi of the Refectory, and over Lambay Island Church, County Dublin

Saint Duthac, June 26

"The Church in The British Isles will only begin to grow when she begins to venerate her own Saints"     (Saint Arsenios of Paros †1877)

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