mercoledì 15 luglio 2020

15 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Saint DONALD (DONEVALD), ermite à Ogilvy en Ecosse avec ses NEUF filles (VIIIème siècle).
July 15th

St. Donald lived in Olgilvy in Forfarshire, Scotland. He and his wife had nine daughters. On the death of his wife, Donald and his nine daughters formed a kind of monastic home.  On his death, the daughters entered a monastery in Abernathy. St. Donald reposed circa 716

Died early 8th century. Donald, a resident of Ogilvy in Forfarshire, Scotland, formed a religious group with his nine daughters (the "Nine Maidens") on the death of his wife. They entered a monastery in Abernathy after his death 

Saint PLECHELM, Ecossais de nation, apôtre de la Gueldre et des duchés de Clèves et de Juliers, vénéré à Roermond dans le Limbourg néerlandais (732).

Died c. 824. Saint Adalard was a monk of Corbie Abbey under Abbot Saint Adalard. He was only 20 years old when he died

 Invention des reliques de saint Swithin, évêque de Winchester dans le Wessex (+ 862). 

Saint Comman, Son of Diomma, July 15

Saint Ronan, son of Magh, July 15

The Sons of Earcan of Brugh-Laogh, July 15

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