venerdì 17 luglio 2020

17 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Saint CYNILLO (Pays de Galles, Vème siècle).

5th century. Little is known of this saint who gave his name to several churches in Wales

Saint FREDEGAND (FREGAUT), Irlandais de nation, higoumène de Deurne pès d'Anvers (vers 740).

8th century. Saint Turninus, an Irish monk and priest, worked as a missionary in the Netherlands with Saint Foillan, especially in the area around Antwerp, where he died. His relics were translated to Liege, where they are enshrined in a monastery on the Sambre 

Saint KENELM, fils du roi Coenwolf de Mercie, martyr assassiné à sept ans sur ordre de sa tante (vers 822).
Feast: July 17 (his translation to Winchcombe)
The holy prince Kenelm was only some 7 years of age when he became a passion-bearer, suffering unjustly at the hands of a henchman of his sister Quendrida. God made known to the Pope at Rome that the martyr had suffered, and revealed the place where his relics had been hidden after the murder. On July 17 they were enshrined with honours of piety at Winchcombe. Through his prayers, O Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us!

St. Craebhnat, Virgin.

St. Sistan or Siostan, Priest, of Loch Melge, now Lough Melvin, Counties, of Fermanagh and Leitrim.

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