mercoledì 22 luglio 2020

22 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Christ en majesté entouré d'anges (enluminure)

Christ en majesté entouré d’anges  

Cette enluminure est une reproduction du folio 107v 

d’un évangile rédigé en latin dont on situe l’origine à l’abbaye de Saint-Bertin de Saint-Omer, 

ancienne abbaye bénédictine fondée en 648.

Dernière illustration du manuscrit, cette enluminure représente 

un Christ en majesté entouré d’anges.

Saint MOVEAN (BITEUS), disciple de saint Patrick, abbé d'Inis-Coosery dans le comté de Down en Irlande, puis ermite dans le comté de Perth en Ecosse-Date unknown. Movean was a disciple of Saint Patrick and abbot of Inis-Coosery in County Down. He seems to have also worked in Perthshire, where he is thought to have died as a hermit

Saint DABIUS (DAVIUS), Irlandais de nation, prêtre en Ecosse.-Date unknown. The Irish priest Dabius preached effectively in his homeland before migrating to Albany, Scotland. He is the titular patron of several churches, including the parish of Domnach Cluana in the County Down, and of Kippau in the Highlands. He may be identical with Saint Movean (Biteus), who was a disciple of Saint Patrick -  Irish missionary to Scotland, called Davius in some lists. He was part of the great monastic missionary effort in the British Isles, and then in Europe. Several churches there bear his name.

St. Moroecha Mac Naeb, or Morecha, a Boy-Saint.

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