lunedì 20 luglio 2020

20 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Date unknown. Saint Arilda, Gloucestershire virgin, died in defence of her chastity. The church at Oldbury-on-the-Hill is dedicated to her

Modmund, martyr of Gloucester (unknown)

Saint RIWAL le Gallois, oncle de saint Hervé l'Aveugle, apôtre en divers lieux de Bretagne (VIème siècle).

Queen Ealhswith.png
Sainte ETHELWIDE (ELSWITH), veuve du roi Alfred le Grand de Wessex, devenue moniale à Winchester (903).

Died 903. Etheldwitha, an Anglo-Saxon princess, was wife to King Alfred. After his death she retired to the convent she had founded at Winchester

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