martedì 7 luglio 2020

7 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Died c. 505 (another source says 450-535).

Troparion of St Illtyd tone 6
O wise Illtyd, thou wast noble by birth and noble in mind/ and didst train many saints in the way of holiness./ Pray to Christ our God to raise up saints in our days/ to His glory and for our salvation.

St. Ercongota of Faremoutiers, Virgin
(Ercongotha, Erkengota)
Died 660;

St. Sethrida, Abbess Virgin

Died c. 660; feast day formerly on January 10. Saint Sethrida was the stepdaughter of King Anna of the East Angles (or Saxons?). She entered religious life at the abbey of Faremoutiers-en-Brie under it foundress Saint Burgunofara, whom she succeeded as abbess. She is half-sister to SS. Etheldreda, Sexburga, Ethelburga, and Withburg

St. Boisil of Melrose, Abbot

Died c. 664. Comm. also January 23 and February 23.

Sainte EDELBURGE (AUBIERGE, ADALBERGE, EDELBURGA, ETHELBERGA, ETHELBURGH), fille du roi d'Est-Anglie et abbesse de Faremoutiers dans la Brie (vers 695).

Icon of St. Ethelburga of Barking, Abbess of Faremoutier, the monastery in France for women, founded by St. Burgundofara.
Feast: July 7

Ss. Medran and Odran of Muskerry, Ireland

6th century. The brothers Saints Medran and Odran were disciples of Saint Kieran of Saighir. One of the brothers remained with Kieran until the end; the other founded a monastery at Muskerry and became its abbot 

Saint HEDDA, évêque de Winchester dans le Wessex (705). 

Saint WILLIBALD (WILLEBAUD, GUILLEBAUD, WILLEBALDUS), fils de saint Richard, roi du Wessex, évêque d'Eichstatt en Bavière (786).

St. Maelruain of Tallaght, Abbot-Died 792.

Date unknown. Saint Merryn is the titular patron of a place in Cornwall. He may be identical with the Breton saint honoured at Lanmerin and Plomelin. During the medieval period, the legendary Saint Marina was believed to have been its patron. For this reason, the Cornish St. Merryn observed the feast on July 7, whereas the Breton feast was on April 4 

Saint Crone of Templecrone, July 7

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