mercoledì 8 luglio 2020

8 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Sainte MORWENNA, sainte éponyme de Morwenstow en Cornouailles (Vème siècle?)

5th century. This is another of the confusing list of saints with the names of Modwenna and Moninne. She has given her name to several places in Cornwall

Saints KILIEN (KILIAN, CHILIEN, KILIANUS, CHILIANUS), Irlandais de nation, évêque, COLNAM (COLOMANN, COLMAN, COLOMMANUS), prêtre, TOTNAM (TOTNAN, TOTNANUS), diacre, et ERWALD, moine, martyrs à Wurtzbourg en Franconie (689). (Office composé en français par le père Denis Guillaume et publié au tome XV du Supplément aux Ménées.)

St. Kilian was an Irish monk who migrated to Germany. Having been consecrated 

Bishop, he set out with his 11 companions to evangelise the land. One of his converts 

was the Duke of Würzburg. During one of St. Kilian's absences from the country, 

the duke married unlawfully, and when on his return Bishop Kilian rebuked the two 

strongly, the illicit wife ambushed Bishop Kilian, his faithful Priest Colman, and his

 faithful Deacon Totnan, and killed them. All three martyrs are revered, especially 

amongst German folk, on their feast of July 8, which in German lands was kept with 

a vigil. An Anglo-Saxon Missal formerly preserved in Germany but now destroyed 

gives propers for St. Kilian and the vigil day.

Saint DISIBODE (DISEN), Irlandais de nation, évêque en Rhénanie (vers 700).

St. Withburga of Dereham, Virgin--Died March 17, c. 743; other feasts are celebrated on April 18 at Cambridge and on March 17; today's feast commemorates her translation.

Sainte SUMNIVE (SUMMIVE, SUNIVE, SUNNIVA, SUNNIFA), vierge irlandaise, martyre en Norvège par la main des païens (Xème siècle).

Month of July

Commemoration of the Holy Martyr Sunniva & Those with Her

Composed by Reader Isaac Lambertson

Saint GRIMBAUD (GRIMAUD, GRIMAUX, GRIMBALDUS, GRIMVALDUS), moine de Saint-Bertin à Saint-Omer en Artois, puis premier higoumène de Winchester en Wessex (903 ou 904).

Saint EDGAR, roi d'Angleterre (975).

Died 975. Saint Edgar was wise in his choice of friends and advisors: Saint Dunstan. His reign was distinguished by a strong religious revival in England. He enjoyed a local cultus at Glastonbury

St. Urith of Chittlehampton, Virgin

Troparion of St Urith tone 5
O holy Virgin Martyr Urith/ who didst suffer martyrdom in a Devon village/ and didst patiently endure the jealousy of thy pagan stepmother;/ pray for the faithful/ who are today suffering persecution,/ that evil may be destroyed and that God may be glorified,/ that we may cry to thee: Rejoice, O Virgin Urith.

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