martedì 28 luglio 2020

28 Luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

L'icona di san Sansone di Dol dipinta per l'Associazione ortodossa Sant'Anna 
Saint SAMSON, Gallois de nation, fondateur de Pentale en Normandie, métropolitain-abbé de Dol-de-Bretagne, un des sept saints fondateurs de la Bretagne (vers 565)

Troparion of St Samson tone 3
Thy resplendent life, O holy Samson,/ enlightened all thy kindred./ They followed thee in the monastic life/ and themselves became shining lights./ When consecrated Hierarch thou didst obey the heavenly vision/ and build monasteries to God's glory in Brittany./ Pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

Tropaire à saint Samson
Athlète de la grâce et maître de tempérance, tu as illuminé les îles par ta vertu, tel un phare spirituel. Imitateur des apôtres, tu as répandu la semence de la connaissance du Dieu trine. Saint pontife Samson, prie le pour qu'Il accorde à nos âmes le salut.

7th century. Saint Arduinus is patron of Trepino in southern Italy. An improbable legend makes him one of four English pilgrims who died in this region in the 7th century

St. Uisseoit, of Druim Uisseoit, July 28

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