giovedì 16 luglio 2020

16 luglio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles Inghilterra

Saint HELIER ou HELIBERT, solitaire, martyr dans l'île de Jersey par la main de pirates, patron de l'île de Jersey (542 ou 558).

Troparion of St Helier tone 5
O glorious Saint Helier,/ thou didst labour for Christ on the Isle of Jersey,/ in fasting, vigil and prayer./ Thou didst leave thy rock/ to convert pirates when they landed,/ and so obtain the crown of victory./ O valiant Martyr, we praise God Who has glorified thee.

St. Sinach MacDara

6th century. The only reference I can find to Sinach is that the fisherman traditionally gathered on the island of MacDara for an annual Mass. It is still customary to dip sails or make the Sign of Cross when passing the island

St. Tenenan of Leon, Bishop

Born in Britain; died c. 635. Tenenan was a priest who became a hermit in Brittany and later bishop of Leon. He probably died at Ploabennec, where he had built a forest hermitage and where his relics were long venerated

St. Torptha, or Torbach Mac Gorman, Archbishop of Armagh.

[Eighth and Ninth Centuries.

St. Scoth, Virgin, of Cluain-mor-Moescna, probably Clonmaskill, County of Westmeath.

St. Gobban, Beg.

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