mercoledì 16 ottobre 2019

18/10 Saints of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.

Celtica Irlandesi Viking Amore Lavoro Nodo Trinità Croce Collana Pendente Per Donne Ossidato Argento 925
Sainte GWENN, martyre par la main de païens à Talgarth dans le pays de Galles (vers 492)

Troparion of St Gwen tone 4

Faithfulness was thy virtue, O pious Gwen,/ for no greater sacrifice
than life itself can be made for our saving faith./ Wherefore, holy
Martyr, pray to God for us/ that we too may be faithful, even unto
death,/ that our souls may be saved.

Saint BROTHENE, patron de Llanfroten en pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Sainte GWENDOLINE, patronne de Llanwydelan en pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Troparion of Ss Brothen and Gwendolen tone 1

As in your native Wales you won souls for Christ by your witness,/O
Righteous Brothen and Gwendolen,/ so now in heaven intercede for us/
that our souls may be saved.

Saint SEGAL, Irlandais, ermite à Pont-de-Buis en Bretagne (VIIème siècle).

Saint SENOU, Irlandais, ermite à Saint-Senou en Bretagne (VIIème siècle).

Saint MONON, Ecossais de nation, ermite dans les Ardennes en un lieu où s'élève aujourd'hui la ville de Nassogne, martyr par la main de bûcherons à qui il avait reproché leurs vices (635). Il est considéré comme un protecteur des agriculteurs, des animaux de la ferme et des récoltes.

Troparion of St Monon tone 4
Thou hast revealed to us the treasures of solitude, O Father Monon,/
and, fearing nothing, thou didst rebuke the lawless men for their
ungodliness. Wherefore, pray to God for us/ that we may have the courage
to confront evil,/ even though like thee/ we thereby receive the crown
of martyrdom,/ that we may be found worthy of eternal salvation.

Celtic and Old English Saints 18 October

* St. Brothen and St. Gwendolen of Wales
* St. Gwen of Wales
* St. Gwen of Talgarth

Troparion of St Wenna tone 4
O Brychan's jewel and holy daughter, most pious Wenna,/ thou didst defy
the heathen Saxons, thereby winning a martyr's crown./ Being, therefore,
numbered among the saints,/ intercede for us before the Throne of
Grace,/ that we may be granted great mercy. 

St. Mono of Scotland
* St. Selevan of Wales

Saint Teca of Rooskey, October 18

Saint Moluainn of Killmologe, October 18

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