sabato 26 ottobre 2019

Saints of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. 27/10

Saint ABBAN, abbé en Irlande (Vème siècle).

Saint ABBAN, neveu de saint Kevin, fondateur de monastères en Irlande (VIème siècle).

Troparion of St Abban tone 8

In Ireland's fertile soil thou didst plant the seeds of monasticism, O
Father Abban,/ and didst nurture a great flowering of God-pleasing
virtue./ Continue steadfastly in thy enduring love, to lead mankind to
God/ and by thy prayers may we be granted great mercy.

Saintes IE et BREAQUE, vierges, et leurs compagnons UNI, SININE, ELWIN, MARUAN, GERMOCH, CREVENNE, HELENE, THECLE (ETHE), GWITHIAN et GWINNEAR (WYMER), confesseur dans les Cornouailles (VIème siècle).

Saint ODRAN (OTTERAN, ODHRAN) d'Iona, moine en Ecosse, patron de la ville de Waterford en Irlande (563).

Troparion of St Otteran tone 8

O Father Otteran, thou wast the first/ among the saintly Columba's
disciples to repose/ and be laid to rest in the blessed soil of Iona./
As in thy life thou didst live only for Christ/ we pray thee to
intercede for us that we may follow thee into the way of salvation.

Saint COLMAN, disciple de saint Aidan de Ferns, higoumène de Senboth-Fola près de Ferns en Irlande (vers 632)

Troparion of St Colman of Senboth-Fola tone 8

Through trials and temptations thou didst shepherd/ the monastics of
Senboth-Fola, O Father Colman,/ and didst guide many souls on their
pilgrimage to Christ./ Wherefore, we pray thee, intercede with Him, that
our souls may be saved.

Celtic and Old English Saints 27 October

* St. Odhran of Iona

* St. Abban of Wexford--Born in Ireland, 6th century. Saint Abban, nephew of Saint Kevin (f.d. June 3), founded many monasteries, mostly in southern Ireland. His name is especially connected with that of Magh-Armuidhe, now Adamstown, Wexford. The lives of this saint are confused with that of Saint Abban of Leinster (f.d. March 16) and others of the same name

* St. Colman of Senboth-Fola
* Ss. Ia and Breacha of Cornwall

* St. Athelstan of England


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