sabato 5 ottobre 2019

6/10 Santi di Scozia Irlanda Galles inghilterra

Saint CEOLLACH, Irlandais de nation, évêque de la Mercie (VIIème siècle). 

St. Cummian the White, Abbot of Iona

Saint Lughaidh of Rattoo, October 6

Saint Colman Lucell of Clonkeen, October 6

Celtic and Old English Saints 6 October

* St. Ceollach of Mercia
* St. Cummian the White
* St. Lalluwy

Troparion of St Lalluwy tone 8

To this day Menheniot's sacred well/ witnesses to thy virtue, O pious
Lalluwy./ As thou didst call forth a stream of living water from the
earth,/ we pray thee, entreat Christ our God/ to pour forth for us the
saving waters of eternal life.

* St. Failbhe of Scotland

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