lunedì 28 ottobre 2019

Saints of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. 29/10

Santo KENNERE (KENNERA), solitario Kirk-Kinneri a Galloway, in Scozia

Troparion of St Kennera tone 8

Bright beacon of purity and Light of Galloway, O holy Kennera,/ as thou
didst preserve thyself in virginity for love of Christ,/ pray to Him,
that despite our corrupt condition He will grant us great mercy.

San Colman, eremita Arranmore e Burren nella contea di Clare, in Irlanda, e abate fondatore del monastero di Kilmacduagh (a 632). 

 Troparion of St Colman of Kilmacduagh tone 8

Rejecting the nobility of thy birth, O Father Colman,/thou didst seek
God in the solitude of desert places./ Thy virtue, like a beacon, drew
men unto thee/ and thou didst guide them into the way of salvation./
Guide us also by thy prayers, that our souls may be saved.

Celtic and Old English Saints 29 October

* St. Colman of Kilmacduagh

A Prayer:

May God's angels guard us
and save us till day's end,
protected by God and Mary
and *Mac Duach and Mac Daire
and Colm Cille
till days' end.

Aingil De dar gcoimhdeacht
's dar sabhail aris go fuin;
ar coimri De is Mhuire,
Mhic Duach is Mhic Daire
agus Colm Cille
aris go fuin.

* St. Kennera of Scotland-.Born in Scotland, 5th century. Saint Kennera is said to have been educated with Saint Ursula (f.d. October 21) and Saint Regulus of Patras (f.d. March 30). Later she became a recluse at Kirk-Kinner in Galloway, Scotland* 

St. Elfleda of Ramsey-Died c. 1000. Saint Elfleda, daughter of Earl Ethelwold, founded Ramsey Abbey, where she became a nun and eventually abbess 


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