lunedì 21 ottobre 2019

Saints of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. 22/10

Saint MELLON, natif de Cardiff dans le pays de Galles, premier métropolitain de Rouen en Normandie (310, 311 ou 314).

Died 314. Mallonius, a missionary from England or Britain (near Cardiff), presumably from the district called Saint Mellon's, reputedly became the first bishop of Rouen, Normandy

Saint GWYNOG de Llanwnog, moine dans le pays de Galles (VIIème siècle)

Saint DONAT, Ecossais de nation, évêque de Fiésole en Toscane (874).

Maroveus, monk of Bobbio, Founder of Precipiano Abbey (ca. 650)

Nwython [Noethan], of Denbighshire (6th c.)

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