venerdì 31 gennaio 2020

1 Febbraio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Sainte KINNIE, vierge irlandaise, baptisée par saint Patrick (Vème siècle). 6th century. Saint Kinnia was another Irish maiden baptized and consecrated by Saint Patrick. She is highly venerated in County Louth

St. Cinnia of Ulster, Virgin -5th century. Saint Patrick (f.d. March 17) brought about the conversion of this princess of Ulster and later gave her the veil

Saint JARLATH, évêque d'Armagh en Irlande (480)Died c. 480. Saint Jarlath, disciple of Saint Patrick, succeeded Saint Benignus (f.d. November 9) in the see of Armagh 

Saint PRECORD, Ecossais de nation, prêtre et ermite à Corbie et à Vailly en Picardie (VI ème siècle).

Saint CREWENNA, Irlandais de nation, ascète en Cornouailles / Cornwall (VIème siècle). 5th century. Saint Crewenna accompanied Saint Breaca (f.d. June 4) a disciple of Saint Brigid from Ireland to Cornwall. There is no record of him beyond the place named Crowan near Saint Erth

Saint SEIRIOL, moine sur une île au large du Pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Sainte BRIGITTE, disciple de saint Patrick, abbesse du monastère de Kildare (Cell-Dar) dans la région de Dublin et thaumaturge (Irlande 523). 

O holy Brigid, thou didst become sublime through thy humility, and didst fly on the wings of thy longing for God. When thou didst arrive in the Eternal City and appear before thy Divine Spouse, wearing the crown of virginity, thou didst keep thy promise to remember those who have recourse to thee. Thou dost shower grace upon the world, and dost multiply miracles. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.

Sainte DARDULAQUE (DARLUDAQUE) , vierge, qui fut guérie par sainte Brigitte, deuxième abbesse de Kildare (Irlande 524).Died after 525. Successor of Saint Brigid of Kildare as abbess of that convent

Saint INGELMUND, Frison de nation, higoumène d'un monastère en Angleterre, puis missionnaire dans le nord de la Frise (vers 700).

Sainte BRIGITTE, Ecossaise de nation, moniale à Fiésole en Italie (début du Xème siècle).

Croce di Santa Brigida

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