martedì 7 gennaio 2020

8 Gennaio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Sainte ERGNAD, moniale en Irlande.--  Born in Ulster, Ireland in the 5th century. Ergnad is said to have received the tonsure from Saint Patrick

Troparion of St Ergnag
Tone 3

Turning thy back on the glamour of the world,
O wise Father Ergnag,
thou wast clothed as a monk, by Saint Patrick.
By fulfilling thy obedience thou dost teach us the virtue of humility.
Wherefore, O righteous one, pray that we may be granted grace to accept spiritual guidance for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion of St Ergnag
Tone 8

Adornment of Ireland and joy of monastics,
O Father Ergnag,
thou didst trample on the fiery passions which war against the soul.
O conqueror of them all and champion of purity,
we praise thee as is due,
and in thine honour,we sing Alleluia

Saint GUITHELIN, évêque de Londres (435).

Saint NETHELM ou NATHALAN, évêque d'Aberdeen en Ecosse (452). o secondo altra tradizione   morto nel 678

Saint ALBERT, patron de la ville de Cashel en Irlande (VIIème siècle).

Saint ERHARD, EBERHARD ou EVRARD, Scot d'origine, évêque missionnaire en Allemagne et chorévêque à Ratisbonne (vers 700).

Died 923. Paternal uncle of Saint Dunstan, Athelm entered the abbey of Glastonbury, became its abbot, and was appointed to be the first bishop of Wells in Somerset. In 914 he was transferred to the see of Canterbury

St. Pega, Virgin----Born in Mercia, England; died in Rome, Italy, c. 719

St. Wulsin of Sherborne, Bishop
(Wulfsin, Wulfsige)- Died January 8, 1005

Saint Molibba of Glendalough, January 8

Saint Saran of Cuil-Creamha, January 8

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