giovedì 23 gennaio 2020

24 Gennaio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint GUASACH, évêque de Granard en Irlande (Vème siècle)

Кадок Ланкарфанский (икона).jpg
Saint CADOC, Gallois de nation, higoumène près de Cardiff, puis ermite en Bretagne et martyr en Angleterre par la main des païens (vers 580). Nel monastero di Llandcarfan nel Galles meridionale, san Cadóco, abate, sotto il cui nome furono fondati molti monasteri anche in Cornovaglia e in Bretagna. 

Troparion of St Cadoc
Tone 5

Having been raised to piety, O Hierarch Cadoc,
thou didst dedicate thy life to God,
serving Him in the monastic state.
As with joyful heart thou didst fulfil thy daily obedience,
caring for the earthly needs of countless paupers,
look now upon our spiritual poverty
and beseech Christ our God,
that He will grant us great mercy.

Kontakion of St Cadoc
Tone 5

We honour thee with hymns, O righteous Hierarch Cadoc,
for the pilgrimage of thy life was found pleasing to God,
Who in His goodness adorned thee with authority,
and as thou didst receive the crown of martyrdom,
whilst serving the Holy Mysteries,
pray for us that we also may be blessed to die in Christ.

St. Manach of Lemonaghan

St. Manchan is credited with writing a poem in Irish that describes the desire of the green martyrs:

Grant me sweet Christ the grace to find-
Son of the living God!-
A small hut in a lonesome spot
To make it my abode.
A little pool but very clear
To stand beside the place
Where all men's sins are washed away
By sanctifying grace.
A pleasant woodland all about
To shield it (the hut) from the wind,
And make a home for singing birds
Before it and behind.
A southern aspect for the heat
A stream along its foot,
A smooth green lawn with rich top soil
Propitious to all fruit.
My choice of men to live with me
And pray to God as well;
Quiet men of humble mind --
Their number I shall tell.
Four files of three or three of four
To give the Psalter forth;
Six to pray by the south church wall
And six along the north.
Two by two my dozen friends --
To tell the number right --
Praying with me to move the King
Who gives the sun its light.

Saint Baodán of Mostrim, January 24

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