Saint MADOES ou MADIANUS (Ecosse).
Saint WILGIS, père de saint Willibrord, ermite en Angleterre (VIIème siècle).
Saint AIDAN ou MAEDOC, évêque en Irlande (626). A Ferns in Irlanda, san Maedóc o Aidano, vescovo, che fondò in questo luogo un cenobio e rifulse per la grande austerità di vita.
"Give as if every pasture in the mountains of Ireland belonged to you". --(Saint Aidan.)
St. Melangell, Virgin and Hermitess
Troparion of St Melangell
Tone 8
Preferring the rigours of monasticism to worldly status and marriage, 0 pious Melangell,though wast fifteen years on a rock, emulating the example of the Syrian Stylites.
Wherefore, 0 Saint, pray to God that He will give us strength to serve Him as He wills,that we may be found worthy of His great mercy.
Kontakion of St Melangell
Tone 4
Praise, glory and honour are thy due, 0 righteous Melangell,
for in consecrating thy virginity to Christ, thou didst give us a model of Christian living.
Wherefore we who keep thy festival pray for grace to amend our lives according to thy example, glorifying God in every word and deed.
Saint EUSEBE, Irlandais de nation, moine à Saint-Gall puis ermite dans le Vorarlberg, martyr par la main des impies (884). AViktorsberg vicino a Rankweil nella Baviera meridionale, oggi in Austria, santo Eusebio, che, nato in Irlanda, fu pellegrino per Cristo e, divenuto poi monaco nel cenobio di San Gallo, visse infine da eremita
Saint ADAMNAN, Irlandais de nation, moine en Ecosse (vers 680)
St. Melangell, Virgin and Hermitess
Troparion of St Melangell
Tone 8
Preferring the rigours of monasticism to worldly status and marriage, 0 pious Melangell,though wast fifteen years on a rock, emulating the example of the Syrian Stylites.
Wherefore, 0 Saint, pray to God that He will give us strength to serve Him as He wills,that we may be found worthy of His great mercy.
Kontakion of St Melangell
Tone 4
Praise, glory and honour are thy due, 0 righteous Melangell,
for in consecrating thy virginity to Christ, thou didst give us a model of Christian living.
Wherefore we who keep thy festival pray for grace to amend our lives according to thy example, glorifying God in every word and deed.
Saint EUSEBE, Irlandais de nation, moine à Saint-Gall puis ermite dans le Vorarlberg, martyr par la main des impies (884). AViktorsberg vicino a Rankweil nella Baviera meridionale, oggi in Austria, santo Eusebio, che, nato in Irlanda, fu pellegrino per Cristo e, divenuto poi monaco nel cenobio di San Gallo, visse infine da eremita
Saint ADAMNAN, Irlandais de nation, moine en Ecosse (vers 680)
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