domenica 5 gennaio 2020

6 gennaio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint EIGRAD, moine dans le pays de Galles (VIème siècle).
6th century. Saint Eigrad, a brother of Saint Samson, was trained by Saint Illtyd, and founded a church in Anglesey

Saint MERAIN, moine dans le pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

6th century. A disciple of Dunawd of Bangor (Ireland), Merinus is the titular saint of churches in Wales and Brittany

Saint SCOTHIN, moine en Irlande (VIème siècle).

Troparion of St Schotin
Tone 4

0 disciple of Dewi Sant.
Flower of the wilderness and teacher of the young.
Holy Schotin, in life thou didst serve Christ.
Wherefore, O Saint intercede that by following thee in all piety and Godly quiet,
we may attain eternal life.

Saint HYWYN, moine en Grande-Bretagne (516).
Died after 516. Saint Hywyn was probably a companion of Saint Cadfan on his return journey from Brittany in 516 to Cornwall and Wales. He is said to have been the founder of Aberdaron in Carnarvonshire. Several churches in western England known as Saint Owen's or Saint Ewen's possibly have Hywyn for their titular saint

Welsh founder and patron of churches in western England. He was a disciple of St. Cadfan, who founded monasteries in Wales. Hywyn founded Aberdaron in Gwynedd, Wales. He is sometimes called Ewen or Owen. No other details of his Ire extant.

Died c. 606-608;  Saint Peter of Canterbury  feast at Saint Augustine's in Canterbury is kept on December 30. Saint Peter was a monk at Saint Andrew's Monastery in Rome until, in 596, he was sent by Pope Saint Gregory the Great to England with the first group of missionaries under Saint Augustine of Canterbury. In 602, Peter became the first abbot of SS. Peter and Paul (afterwards Saint Augustine's) at Canterbury.

Saint Peter was probably the monk delegated by Augustine to take news to the pope of the first Anglo-Saxon conversions. He then brought back Saint Gregory's replies to Augustine's questions. Later Peter was dispatched on a mission to Gaul, but was drowned in the English Channel at Ambleteuse (Amfleet) near Boulogne. According to the Venerable Bede, the local inhabitants buried him in an "unworthy place" but, as the result of a prodigy of mysterious light appearing over his grave at night, translated his relics to a church in Boulogne with suitable honour

6th century. Saint Edeyrn  is the patron saint of a church in Brittany. Tradition describes him as a Briton, associating him with King Arthur, and making him end his days as a hermit in Armorica . Saint Edeyrn is depicted in art as a hermit riding on a stag. He is venerated in Brittany

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