mercoledì 1 gennaio 2020

2 Gennaio Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

St Matthew from the Book of Durrow
J.O. Westwood (1868)

Plusieurs MARTYRS égorgés à Lichfield (Angleterre) sous Dioclétien (304).

Saint MUNCHIN, probablement le premier évêque de Limerick en Irlande (VIIème siècle?).

6th century. A Welsh saint whose memory is perpetuated by the name of the island of Ynys-Seiriol

Troparion of St Seiriol
Tone 4

We hymn thee, O Father Seiriol,
for thou didst turn the Welsh wilderness into a fertile vineyard for the Lord.
By this our intercession, O Saint,
we implore thee to pray to Christ our God
that our labours may be blessed and our souls may be saved.

January 2 is the feast of an interesting saint who travelled between Ireland and Wales in pursuit of the monastic life, Scoithin of Tescoffin.

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