St. Gregory the Great Orthodox Church
A Western Rite Congregation of the Antiochian Archdiocese near Washington, DC
A Western Rite Congregation of the Antiochian Archdiocese near Washington, DC
13407 Roxbury Rd · Silver Spring, MD · 301-288-
First Sunday after Epiphany; St. Benedict Biscop, Ab, 690
the Western Rite Vicariate, a part of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese in America
The Western Rite Communities
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Dimanche 12 Janvier 2020 Premier Dimanche après l’Epiphanie
So l e n n i t é d e l a T h é o p h a n i e (Battesimo di Gesù) I cristiani ortodossi della EOF seguono il calendario occidentale
Liturgie : Is 12, 3 à 6 1Co 10, 1 à 4 Mt 3, 13 à 17 Laudes : Mt 28, 1 à 9
Sainte Césarie, abbesse en Arles (530)
Sainte Césarie, abbesse en Arles (530)
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