Saint FURSY, Irlandais de nation, higoumène du monastère de Lagny près de Paris, patron de la ville de Péronne en Picardie (650).
Troparion of St Fursey of Burgh Castle
Tone 5
Tone 5
Establishing thy monastery in a Roman fortress thou didst teach men that the Orthodox Faith is a true bastion
against the onslaughts of every evil force, O Father Fursey.
Wherefore pray to God for us
that we may all be bastions of the Faith
standing firm against the rising tide of falsehood,
that our souls may be saved.
Kontakion of St Fursey
Tone 4
Thou didst need the walls of stone
to defend the Faith against its pagan enemies, O Father Fursey,
but pray for us that we may have a spiritual wall around us
to defend the Faith against its enemies.
Following thee and praising thy eternal memory,
we stand firm against every error, ever singing:
Rejoice, beloved of God, our Father Fursey.
Saint DUNCHAID O'BRAOIN, ermite puis higoumène de Clonmacnoise en Irlande (988).
Born in Westmeath; died at Armagh, 988. Saint Dunchaid was an anchorite until 969, when he was chosen abbot of Clonmacnoise Monastery. In his old age he retired to Armagh, where he died
Saint Máel Ísu Ua Brolcháin, January 16
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