St. Gregory the Great Orthodox Church
A Western Rite Congregation of the Antiochian Archdiocese near Washington, DC
13407 Roxbury Rd · Silver Spring, MD · 301-288-
1 St. Ignatius of Antioch, BM, c. 107; St. Bridget, Abs, 523
The Western Rite Communion of
The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
R.O.C.O.R. Western Rite Ordo Kalendar ✠ 2020
segue il santorale occidentale nell'uso ortodosso (ed ovviamente il santorale tipico degli ortodossi ) ma nella cronologia del venerabile ed antico calendario giuliano costantiniano
1 Febbraio /19 Gennaio
S. Mark of Ephesus, B.C.
Saturday 1st February 2020
(Forefeast of the Presentation in the Temple of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
Brigid of Ireland, Foundress-Abbess of Cill-Dara (Kildare) (524)
Sigebert, King of Austrasia (656)
Eubert, 1st Bishop of Lille (294)
Cinnia, Princess of Ulster, nun, converted by St Patrick (5th c.)
Derlugdach of Kildare, 2nd Abbess of Kildare, friend of St Brigid (ca. 524)
Jarleth, Bishop of Armagh, disciple of St Patrick (480)
Seiriol, Abbot of Penmon (Anglesey) and Ynys Seiriol (Puffin Island) (6th c.)
Euny, missionary in Western Cornwall (6th c.)
Crewenna, missionary in Cornwall (5th c.)
♦ Vespers:
Ps 96 and 97
♦ Liturgy:
Wis 13:10-19
Col 2:8-13a
Lk 12:1-12
(Forefeast of the Presentation in the Temple of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
Brigid of Ireland, Foundress-Abbess of Cill-Dara (Kildare) (524)
Sigebert, King of Austrasia (656)
Eubert, 1st Bishop of Lille (294)
Cinnia, Princess of Ulster, nun, converted by St Patrick (5th c.)
Derlugdach of Kildare, 2nd Abbess of Kildare, friend of St Brigid (ca. 524)
Jarleth, Bishop of Armagh, disciple of St Patrick (480)
Seiriol, Abbot of Penmon (Anglesey) and Ynys Seiriol (Puffin Island) (6th c.)
Euny, missionary in Western Cornwall (6th c.)
Crewenna, missionary in Cornwall (5th c.)
♦ Vespers:
Ps 96 and 97
♦ Liturgy:
Wis 13:10-19
Col 2:8-13a
Lk 12:1-12
Samedi 1er Février 2020
Temporal 1Th 5, 23 à 28 Mc 1, 39 à 45 Vêpres de la Ste Rencontre : Ml 3, 1 à 4
Saint Ignace, évêque d’Antioche, martyr (107)
Paul, 1er év. de Tricastin (~400) - Eubert, apôtre du pays lillois (294) - Brigitte, v. et abse. en
Irlande (525) - Sévère, év. de Ravenne (389)- Sigisbert, roi d’Austrasie (656)
Chiesa autonoma ed indipendente di tradizione celtica
Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
Troparion of Our Lady of Walsingham
Hail, O Virgin Theotokos! As thou didst receive the Good News of salvation at Gabriel appearing and didst by thine own appearing at Walsingham cause the Holy House to be raised up as an everlasting remembrance of that same mystery of salvation, pray that we may ever bear in our souls Jesus whom thou didst bring forth, the Savior of mankind.
TROPARIO : Giosci , o Vergine Theotokos!
Come hai ricevuto l'annuncio della salvezza da Gabriele nella Santa
Casa fa che Walsingham sia
un ricordo perenne di questo Mistero di salvezza, che tu hai portato
in grembo, Gesù Salvatore del mondo..
Saturday of Epiphany III – Week 3 per annum
St Brigid, Abbess, optional memorial
Our Lady St Mary on Saturday
MP Pss 1, 2, 3, (4) 5
Gen 25:7-11, 19-34 Rom 11:13-24
Mk 4:35-41
EP I (and First Mass) of CANDLEMAS.
Lettura dalla lettera di San Paolo Apostolo ai Romani
(Rom 12, 3-13)
Lettura dal Santo Vangelo secondo San Marco
(Mc 3, 31-35
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