mercoledì 11 settembre 2019

12 settembre Santi di Irlanda,Scozia,Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint KENAN (CALLEDOC, KE, QUAY, COLODOC), moine à Tours, puis évêque de Duleck en Irlande, et enfin ermite à Cléder en Bretagne (vers 495).

[Sixth Century]

Saint AILBE (ALBEUS, AILBHE), premier évêque d'Emly en Irlande (vers 527).

Troparion of St Ailbe tone 4

When Ireland's Enlightener returned to his native land he found thee, O
holy Ailbe, preaching the Faith at Emly,/ where at the bidding of an
Angel thou hadst built a church./ O wise shepherd of souls and glorious
ascetic,/ O friend of animals, and fellow missionary with the
illustrious Patrick, pray to Christ our God that we might also become
bastions of Orthodoxy/ and a shining example to our fellow countrymen,
drawing them away from ignorance and error/ and into the true Faith that
all our souls may be saved.

Quand l'Illuminateur de l'Irlande revint de sa terre natale il te trouva toi, O saint Ailbe, prêchant la Foi à Emly,/
Où à la demande d'un Ange tu avais bâtit une église./
O avisé berger des âmes et glorieux ascète,/
O ami des animaux et collaborateur dans la mission avec le célèbre Patrick,/
Prie le Christ notre Dieu afin que nous devenions nous aussi des bastions de l'Orthodoxie/
Et un brillant exemple pour nos compatriotes, les tirant hors de l'ignorance et de l'erreur/
et les amenant à la vraie Foi afin que toutes les âmes soient sauvées.

The only daughter of the King of Kent, Saint Eanswythe (7th cent) refused to marry, dedicating her viginity to Christ. She asked her father for a place to pray, and he built her a monastery in Folkestone. She became a nun at less than 16 years old. She performed many miracles, among which giving sight to a blind man and casting out demons. Saint Eanswythe died in her mid-twenties. (Aug 31)
St. Eanswythe of Folkestone, Abbess
(also known as Eanswida, Eanswith(a), Eanswide, Eanswyth)

Troparion of the venerable one, in Tone VI
With gladsome voices and hymns of praise let us extol the venerable Eanswythe, who, setting aside rich princely apparel, gladly put on the mean and lowly habit of a nun; and, in place of the idle pursuits of the royal court, set herself boldly to acquire all the virtues. Wherefore, having pleased Christ by her charity and love, she ever intercedeth with Him to have mercy on our souls

Commemoration of Our Venerable Mother Eanswythe, Abbess of Folkestone & Wonderworker of Kent

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