venerdì 20 settembre 2019

21 settembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint CADOC (CAZOUT, CADOCHUS), ermite en Bretagne et martyr à Weedon dans le comté de Northampton en Angleterre, patron de Llancarvan (490).

St. Cadoc was Welsh and the son of St. Gundleus and St. Gladys. He was educated by St. Tatheus at Caerwent, then became a monk, founded a monastery at Llancarvan near Cardiff, and went to Ireland and Brecknock to study. He returned to Llancarvan as abbot, visited Brittany, Cornwall, and Scotland, and made pilgrimages to Rome and to Jerusalem. Holy Father Cadoc, pray to God for us!

Saint Cadoc est aussi fêté les 1er novembre et 24 janvier.
Vie de saint Cadok, par le frère dominicain Albert le Grand, début du 17ième siècle, en français de l'époque :

dans les pages "Saints de Bretagne par Albert le Grand" du site de A. Stervinou. Kenavo, l'ami! 
Saint Cadoc est invoqué contre certaines maladies contagieuses, les furoncles, les rhumatismes, maladies de la peau, les écrouelles, problèmes d'ouïe. Vénéré un peu partout, on lui trouve des lieux de culte à Bannalec (Finistère), à Gouesnac'h (Finistère, voir photos), à Belz (Morbihan), etc.

Venerato in Bretagna, nel territorio di Vannes, nel Léon e nell'antica Cornovaglia, Cadoc è celebrato il 23 gennaio nel priorato di San Michele a Newport e nella cattedrale di Belmont nel Galles. Il 21 settembre ricorre la sua festa nella diocesi di Vannes, mentre i Bollandisti lo ricordano al 24 gennaio. Cadoc è patrono di Llanspyddid e di altre chiese del Galles e della Bretagna.

Saint MABYN, natif du pays de Galles ou des Cornouailles, apôtre avec saint Teilo (VIème siècle).

Kondakion de sainte Mabyn ton 8

Te préservant dans la virginité, et plaisant au Christ notre Dieu par ton ascèse, O sainte Mabyn,/
Tu donnas au fidèle un exemple de vie pieuse et divine./
Prie que l'exemple de nos vies plaise aussi à Dieu,/
Afin que nos âmes soient amenées sur la Voie du Salut.


St. Mabenna, Daughter of Saint Brychan of Brecknock
(Mabyn Mabon, Mabenna)
Died 6th century. There are possibly several Welsh and Cornish saints
by this name and its variations, but nothing is definitely known about
them. The name is associated with that of Saint Teilo (f.d.February 9).
Mabenna is the name of one of the daughters of the prolific Saint
Brychan of Brecknock (f.d. April 6). Various place-names are attributed
to these saints 

Kontakion of St Mabyn Tone 8
Preserving thyself in virginity, and pleasing Christ our God with thy
asceticism, O holy Mabyn,/ thou didst give to the faithful an example of
pious and godly living./ Pray that the example of our lives will also be
pleasing to God,/ that our souls will be brought into the Way of

 Nel monastero di Ettenheim nel Baden, in Germania, san Landelino, monaco, originario dell’Irlanda.

September 21 sees the commemoration of an Irish hermit and martyr, Landelin, or Landelinus in Latin. Roísín Ní Mheara describes what is known of his life and of how his memory has been kept alive for over a millenium in the area of Europe in which he flourished:

Saint Saran of Lesan, September 21

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