venerdì 27 settembre 2019

27 settembre Santi di Irlanda Scozia Galles ed Inghilterra

Risultati immagini per icone della CROCE celtica

Sainte LUPITE, Irlandaise de nation, moniale en Bretagne (VIème siècle). /

Saint Lupait, Sister of Saint Patrick, September 27

Saint BARRY (BARROG, BARRWG, BARNOCH), disciple de saint Cadoc, éponyme de l'île de Barry au large du pays de Galles, sur laquelle il vécut en ermite (VIIème siècle).

Tropaire de Saint Barrog Ton 8

Lumière de l'Occident, inspirateur des moines et encouragement des ascètes,/

Ta brillante vie fut agréable à Dieu, O père Barrog./

Ne nous rejette pas dans notre état pitoyable, mais prie, O saint,/

Que nous repentant et pleurant nous puissons être dignes d'une place dans le saint Royaume du Christ.

 Troparion of St Barrog Tone 8

Light of the West, inspirer of monastics and boast of ascetics,/ thy

radiant life was pleasing to God, O Father Barrog./ Do not reject us in
our pitiable state but pray, O Saint,/ that repenting and weeping we may
be found worthy of a place in Christ's holy Kingdom.

Saint Fintan, September 27

consultazione per 

Celtic and Old English Saints 27 September

* St. Barrog of Wales

Troparion of St Barrog Tone 8
Light of the West, inspirer of monastics and boast of ascetics,/ thy
radiant life was pleasing to God, O Father Barrog./ Do not reject us in
our pitiable state but pray, O Saint,/ that repenting and weeping we may
be found worthy of a place in Christ's holy Kingdom.

* St. Sigebert of East Anglia

* St. Marcellus of Saint-Gall

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