venerdì 27 settembre 2019

28 settembre Santi di Irlanda,Scozia,Galles ed Inghilterra

Risultati immagini per icone della CROCE celtica

Saint MACHAN, Ecossais de nation, moine en Irlande.

                  Saint CONWALL (CONVAL), Irlandais de nation, disciple de saint Kentigern, missionnaire en Ecosse (vers 630).

ied c. 630. The Irish priest, Conwall, was a disciple of Saint Kentigern (f.d. January 14) who preached and died in Scotland 

Tropaire de saint Conwall ton 8

Prennant à coeur le saint commandement du Christ, tu prêcha Son Evangile à la nation des Pictes,/
O père Conwall, nous offrant un exemple louable./
Prie afin que nous soit nous aussi accordée la force de témoigner du Christ jusqu'à notre dernier souffle,/
Afin qu'ayant vécu pour Lui seul, nous puissions être trouvés digne d'entrer en Son Royaume

Troparion of St Conwall tone 8

Taking to heart Christ's holy command, thou didst preach His Gospel to

the nation of the Picts,/ O Father Conwall, setting us a laudable

example./ Pray that we may be granted strength also to witness for

Christ until our last breath,/ that having lived only for Him, we may be

made worthy to enter His Kingdom

Sainte TETTA, abbesse de Wimborne dans le Dorset (vers 772)

Died c. 772. Saint Tetta ruled over 500 nuns as abbess of Wimborne Abbey in Dorsetshire. The size of the community permitted her to send many workers to Saint Boniface (f.d. June 5) in Germany, including Saint Lioba (f.d. today) and Saint Thecla (f.d. October 15)

St. Lioba (Liobgytha) of Bischoffsheim, Abbess Virgin
Born at Wimborne, Dorsetshire, England; died at Schornsheim (near
Mainz), Germany, c. 779.

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