mercoledì 25 settembre 2019

26 settembre Santi di Irlanda,Scozia,Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint MEUGANT (MAWGHAN, MORGAN, MEUGAN) de Llantwit, ermite sur l'île de Bardsey au pays de Galles (VIème siècle).

Died 6th century. Founded abbeys, churches, and crosses in Wales and Brittany with Saint Cadoc (f.d. September 25) and Saint Brieu (f.d. May 1)

Troparion of St Mawgan tone 4
Célèbre pour tes enseignements paternels/
Et la constance dans tes entreprises missionaires, O père Mawgan,/
Tu es l'inspiration de tous ceux qui font appel à toi./
Supplie le Christ notre Dieu afin qu'Il nous mette de côté pour ne servir que Lui/
Et ainsi que nous puissions atteindre la récompense des Bienheureux

Troparion of St Mawgan tone 4
Renowned for thy fatherly teaching/ and the tirelessness of thy
missionary endeavours, O Father Mawgan,/ thou art the inspiration of all
who call on thee./ Entreat Christ our God that He would spare us to
serve Him alone/ and thus attain the rewards of the Blessed.

Saint COLMAN, neveu de saint Columba d'Iona, fondateur des monastères de Lynally (Land-Elo, Lin-Alli) et de Muckamore en Irlande (vers 610). 

Troparion of St Colman Elo tone 8
Following in the footsteps of thy renowned kinsman Columba, O Father
Colman Elo,/ thou didst bring many in the Celtic lands to Christ by thy
preaching and virtuous life./ Pray that we who hymn thee may be given
grace to follow in thy footsteps that our souls may be saved.

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