martedì 24 settembre 2019

25 Settembre Santi di Irlanda,Scozia ,Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint CAIAN, vénéré à Anglesey au large du pays de Galles (Vème siècle)
Troparion of St Caian tone 8
The noble Brychan, obeying God's will, bestowed on the Church a galaxy
of saints to illumine our land./ As in Angelsey thou didst labour for
Christ, O holy Caian,/ cease not in thy labour of prayer that we may be
granted salvation for our souls.

Saint MEWROG (Pays de Galles).

Saint FYMBERT, évêque en Ecosse (VIIème siècle)

Saint FINBAR (BARR, BARROCUS), premier évêque de Cork en Irlande (610 ou 633).

Troparion of St Finbar tone 4

Truly thou art hymned, O Hierarch Finbar,/ as a Father of monastics and
shepherd of souls./ Seeing our plight and feeling for us in our great
necessity,/ cease not to intercede with Christ our God/ that He will
raise up in our days pastors of thy stature to lead us into the way of

Saint CEOLFRITH (CEOLFRID), moine de Wearmouth en Angleterre, mort à Langres en Champagne (716).

Saint EGELRED, moine à Crowland en Angleterre, martyr par la main des Vikings païens (vers 869).

Saint Iomchaidh of Kill Drochoid, September 25

Saint Colman of Comhruire, September 25

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