lunedì 2 settembre 2019

3 settembre Santi di Irlanda,Scozia,Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint MACANISSE (MACANISIUS), Irlandais, baptisé puis sacré évêque par saint Patrick, fondateur d'un monastère en Irlande, probablement à Kells (514).

Tropaire de Saint MacNis ton 8

Ayant reçut ta Foi par l'Illuminateur de l'Irlande, O saint MacNis,/
tu fonda une balise lumineuse de la Vraie Foi, le monastère de Kells,/
de laquelle fut transmise à l'Eglise du Christ un trésor de piété et de merveille, qui est avec nous ce jour./
Inspirés par ton exemple, O Saint, nous te supplions d'intercèder auprès du Christ notre Dieu/
afin que nous puissions recevoir la grâce de te suivre dans le chemin du Salut

Troparion of St MacNis tone 8
Having learned thy faith from Ireland Enlightener, O holy MacNis,/ thou
didst found a shining beacon of the True Faith, the Monastery of Kells,/
from which was bequeathed to Christ's church a treasure of piety and
wonder, which is with us to this day./ Inspired by thine example, O
Saint, we beseech thee to intercede with Christ our God/ that we may be
given grace to
follow thee in the way of salvation.

Sainte HERESWITH, soeur de sainte Hild et princesse de Northumbrie, moniale à Chelles en Île-de-France (vers 690).

St. Balin of Techsaxon
(Ballon, Balanus)

7th century. Handsome, well-loved Saint Balin was the brother of Saint Gerald, one of four sons of an Anglo-Saxon king. The four accompanied Saint Colman of Lindisfarne to Iona, then retired to Connaught, where they settled at Tecsaxono (the house of Saxons) in the diocese of Tuam

St. Cuthburga of Wimborne, Widow and Abbess

St. Quenburga of Wimborne

Minatura tratta dal manoscritto Vita di san Cutberto di Beda il Venerabile

San Cutberto, Monaco, Missionario e Vescovo di Lindisfarne (Dunbar, Scozia, 
634 circa - Isole Farne, Inghilterra, 20 marzo 687)

 In questo giorno si ricorda la Traslazione delle Reliquie di Cutberto da Chester - le - Street a Durham (4 settembre 999)

Translation of the Relics of St. Edward, King of England and Martyr, to the Church of Saint Edward at      Brookwood, Near Guildford

Troparion for St Edward the Martyr tone 4
Celebrating the newly manifest commemoration of the holy King Edward,
who shone forth of old in the virtues and suffered undeservedly we all
bow down before the Icon of his honoured countenance and in gladness cry
out: Truly Thou art wonderful in Thy Saints, O God.


St. Cuimmen, Son of Cuanna, or Cuanach, probably Abbot of Druim-Snechta, now Drumsnat, County of Monaghan.

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