domenica 29 settembre 2019

30 settembre Santi di Irlanda, Scozia,Galles ed Inghilterra

Saint VICTURNIEN, Irlandais ou Ecossais, ermite près de l'actuel Saint-Victurnien en Limousin (VIème-VIIème siècles).

Saint ENGHENDEL (Pays de Galles, VIIème siècle).

Saint LERY, LEHIRE ou LARY (LAURUS, LETHERICUS, HILARIUS,ALARICUS), Gallois de nation, prêtre et higoumène dans le Vannetais (VIIème siècle).

Saint Lassar, Daughter of Lochan, September 30

Saint MIDAN (NIDAN), saint gallois (Anglesey, vers 610).
Nevern Cross

Troparion of St Midan tone 8
Amongst Angelsey's adornment of Saints,/ thy virtuous life shines forth
to illumine these islands, O Father Midan./ We pray thee to intercede
with Christ our God/ that Hi
s mercy, and not our weakness, will prevail
that our souls may be saved.

Troparion of St Midan tone 8

Amongst Angelsey's adornment of Saints,/ thy virtuous life shines forth
to illumine these islands, O Father Midan./ We pray thee to intercede
with Christ our God/ that His mercy, and not our weakness, will prevail
that our souls may be saved.

Saint HONORIUS, archevêque de Cantorbéry dans le Kent (653)

Saints TANCREDE et TORTHRED, ermites, et TOVA, solitaire, martyrs par la main des Vikings païens à Thorney en Angleterre (869).

Saint Brigid, September 30

Celtic and Old English Saints 30 September

* St. Honorius of Canterbury
* St. Midan of Anglesey

* St. Enghenedl of Wales
Died 7th century. Nothing is known about the life of the Welsh Saint Enghenedl to whom a church is dedicated in Anglesey

* St. Lery of Brittany
Born in Wales, 7th century. Saint Laurus migrated to Brittany, where he became the abbot-founder of the monastery later known as Saint-Lery on the Doneff River. He knew how to give all to God

* Ss. Tancred, Torthred, and Tova

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